Saturday, May 6, 2023

Pokémon Keeps Me...

As an aside from recent Pokémon happenings (and in particular the recent run of seven posts related to Pokémon Go in some way), I'd like to discuss how Pokémon has become connected to me over these years, and in particular after keeping this blog going for many years. To do that for this post, I take the framing and stance that Pokémon keeps me going in different ways; it's something that applies to other things I'm connected with, but I'm inclined to discuss the Pokémon connection in greater detail, as per this blog.

For starters, Pokémon keeps me active in different ways. Playing Pokémon Go prompts me to get out and exercise physically to make the most of it, while the battles (or something that resembles similar efforts) in the games keep my mind stimulated; as such, the active aspect is reflected in my body and my mind, a classically spiritual pair. Either way, those become the activities that keep me "on my toes", so to speak, and for them to occur with Pokémon is especially fascinating in that regard. 

Then, Pokémon also keeps me creative. While this blog demands me to be objective in some ways, I also have some liberties that I can take in creating and presenting content, including its scheduling and writing - that's how things like "conversation posts" and even serials like event rollups come about. Obviously, that is also reflected in the artistry that I lend to things like cosplay and vocal performance, which demand quite a bit of creative input. In these and other cases, I'm essentially prompted to "think out of the box".

Rounding out this post, Pokémon is something that keeps me "relative". This may be construed as maintaining relationships - like with the people in my raid groups and other fans of the same Pokémon things that I enjoy - or creating new ones as through my participation in tournaments like those under the Silph Arena banner, both individual and Factions. Even so, it's always up to me to establish these relationships not just through and for the above, but also in different ways and with different people.

While these are only three aspects that I've been able to think of, and there might be room for more if I think about things even more thoroughly, they all share the same thread of keeping things going. In my case, they all involve Pokémon somehow and its happenings, for which the connections become evident in different ways and through them I can stand to make more ways into life. It's a life that is intimately tied to Pokémon for all the ways that it has pervaded the world and the continuance of that.

One year ago: Brave with the Firefly

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