Saturday, May 20, 2023

Tournament: Arcaviary Tournament - Arcana Cup

The Arcaviary series of tournaments return... at least for me personally. There was actually one for Polkadot last month, but I didn't partake in it due to other concerns. With Arcana being this month's themed cup - a derivative from the current Cycle of Factions - I just had to participate in it, moreover with the impending closure of Silph Arena. Both of these are certainly very strong reasons to take part in this tournament (and other tournaments featuring this month's theme), and this happens to be a convenient one in my case.

Like the previous two tournaments, this one was a day-per-day affair for its rounds, with seven rounds in all. It started last week Saturday and just finished up tonight, enabling me to cover it as today's post. Even so, this one had comparatively fewer participants: 83 checked in at the start, but two had to drop for certain reasons, leaving only 81 participants. Whether this was an effect of the theme being part of Factions or some other happenings that I'm not privy to, I cannot say for sure, but at least the chance to participate before Silph Arena's closing (and a retained giveaway from last month) may have played efforts to retain participants.

As for my personal results, this was still not my best one yet. I ended up only winning three matches out of seven, finishing in the lower middle, third from the bottom of those with three match wins. I got swept in the first three rounds and only managed to steal a win in the fourth, before winning the rest. Even then, the fifth round win was because my opponent had to forfeit the match, though the rest were decided squarely with 2-1 wins. If anything, this is proof that Factions is one thing, and the individual competition is another; what happens in one is not necessarily reflective of the other. In my case, it was in stark contrast to my Factions record, which stands at two match wins out of two played.

Since this tournament is tangentially relevant to Factions, mine nonetheless, I have to cover how my specific teammates did. Besides me, there were four others who participated: riman12 (four wins, seventh in the group), YukixCyz (four wins, fourth in the group), Almujha (two wins, fifth in the group), and Kucingimutt (five wins, tenth in the group). My manager, TendouXForce, also participated - knowing that Silph Arena will be no more soon - and had four wins, ninth in the group. It's a bit of a wonder how we came together as a Faction with the range of skill levels we have, mine included.

I have mentioned that the Factions Battlefield doubling as a themed cup has a little bit of "mystery" to it; given the results of this tournament, we (specifically my Faction teammates and I) may or may not have been able to comprehend completely the nature of that "mystery", but at least some efforts have been made. For me personally, through the results of this tournament, there is still some ways to go before I can show thorough mastery of PvP, but even that may still have to be shrouded in "mystery", much like the theme.

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