Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Tournament: SWEEP JR vs. Budak_Korporat.ID (SA Factions)

The final Bout of the final Cycle of the final season of Silph Arena Factions came and went for my team, SWEEP JR. For others, this final Bout might be the tensest moment yet (depending on how high they are and how they do in the standings), but at least for my team as well as our opponent this time - and possibly others - it might prove to be relaxing instead. That's because my team ended up facing another Indonesian ("local") team, who goes by the name of Budak_Korporat.ID. Translated, the team name means "corporate slave", and that might just describe some of our members' relationships with Pokémon Go as the game we play.

Like my Faction, this is another debutant of the Cycle; it's actually a "splinter" Faction of a previous Faction called Garuda Go, which has since become defunct due to its members going different ways, one of which resulted in the creation of this Faction. Similarly, they hadn't been doing well either. Uniquely, this Faction also "employs outside help" for one of its members - which will be evident shortly - in contrast to most Indonesian teams that prefer "local pride" and thus members from within the country. In any case, one part of the "relaxing" aspect is that I as the Captain don't have to worry too much about making sure that everyone battles, much like that other time my team went up against another "local" team.

For the battle results, they happened to be quite fascinating. On Friday, riman12 vs. Andridwp in the Open Great League started off things with a 1-2 loss, but then RaymondHrtwn vs. Mewonggo (Justicar Field for Ultra League) and YukixCyz vs. SenzseiGo (Catacomb Field) both delivered stunning 3-0 wins, suddenly putting my team well ahead at that point with a total score of 7-2. In most previous Bouts, we were often behind at this point, but this time it was different.

And different it continued to be. There was still the concern that things could turn out to be close again, as Almujha vs. NadhifPutraAbi (Arcana Field) on Saturday and bakalikur vs. OrangVenus (Catacomb Field, against the opposing Captain) on Sunday led to 1-2 losses and the other team inching closer. But then, the deciding point of the Bout came with the Arcana Field match of Kucingimutt vs. GundulmuYurhed, which led to a 2-1 win and a total score of 11-7 at that point, assuring victory for my Faction, as in normal cases 11 points or battle wins will do just that. That meant that the one remaining match of Orioo16 vs. Red5saru (Open Master League, against the "outside help" from Japan) no longer had a bearing on the final results, though it was still played for points anyway and resulted in a 1-2 loss. The final points came to be 12-9, still a satisfying victory.

Effectively, this was the first and (possibly, likely) only time that my Faction was able to clinch victory for a Bout with any number of matches remaining, which at minimum requires four matches, three of which are sweeping victories. The fact that the situation has occurred speaks of the caliber that my fellow teammates have and should have become evident over the course of this Cycle. Unfortunately, there may or may not be further opportunities to display that, with the way that Silph Arena is winding down. As I did near the midpoint of this Cycle, I'll have more to say in this in a post that recaps what has happened, only this time it's for the conclusion of this Cycle and possibly my team's efforts in Silph Arena Factions; everything ought to be made clear in due time.

Something novel at least manifested for this Bout against two teams of (mostly) fellow countrymen, whether or not we may be "corporate slaves" as that team's name might suggest. We did realize some good battles at the tail end of our debut - and unfortunately, only - participation in Factions. It has been a tense moment to be sure, but with the conclusion of the Cycle, there is now at least some moment of peace for all of us.

Four years ago: T-Shirts in Distress
Five years ago: Trading Items?
Six years ago: Retro Rendezvous

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