Monday, May 8, 2023

Tournament: SWEEP JR vs. Your Storage Is Full (SA Factions)

This Cycle of Silph Arena Factions is down to its home stretch, and my team, SWEEP JR, has to press on. In this seventh Bout, we were paired up with an Australian team with a bit of a strange name, Your Storage Is Full. If my team is what I call the "fledgling" team (or also, "academy team") of SWEEP JR, presently competing in the Diamond tier, then this team is the one for Your Bag Is Full, presently competing in the Emerald tier. It was a fascinating showdown that had to happen, since we both aren't doing too well in this Cycle.

Regarding this Faction and its upper-level brethren, one of their purposes may be to accommodate some influential names in PvP in Australia and beyond. One of them happens to be on the team that my Faction is facing, which will become evident soon enough. The opposing team is made up of all Australians; meanwhile, the upper-level team has a few Trainers not from Australia - even, from the other side of the world - and that takes care of the "beyond" portion. In later Cycles, the members of the two teams will likely change, as with my team and its upper-level brethren, for accommodating others into the "academy".

After early attempts at coordination, battles were definitively scheduled. Only one match took place on Thursday, which was the Open Great League match of riman12 vs. Franedamus and resulted in a 2-1 win. Then, on Saturday, things quickly turned as the Arcana Field matches of Almujha vs. Lidorkork and Kucingimutt vs. NotRandyN3wman resulted in 1-2 and 0-3 losses respectively, instantly putting my team behind. The remaining matches that day, Wina1403 vs. Alo0ali and YukixCyz vs. BuurggittBro - both for the Catacomb Field - only resulted in a 2-1 win and 1-2 loss, and my team remained behind.

One match was actually scheduled to take place between the Field Specialist matches above, but had to be rescheduled for Sunday due to coordination issues, more in a line of them. That match was for the Justicar Field for Ultra League involving RaymondHrtwn vs. Trysty19, and it resulted in a 2-1 win to allow my team to catch up. The tensest moment of this Bout was during the Open Master League match involving Orioo16 vs. bbao2803, as issues came up near its conclusion. Perhaps almost miraculously, the issues were resolved and the match was decided as a 3-0 win, leading to a close 11-10 victory for my Faction.

No disputes were filed for this Bout, making it a rarity in that regard. However, the last two matches above did come dangerously close to that point, before and after respectively. The last match also presented a unique issue that might have become troublesome had it continued and I had full control to make decisions, but thankfully it did not progress and my manager helped to keep things at bay until the miraculous resolution; it's another point of why I'm glad to not have started this Faction from scratch. Regardless, I can only hope that such situations are rarities, as they are admittedly uncomfortable for all those involved.

It was a nerve-wracking Bout against the Australian team, but the battles speak for themselves, as they should for any match of any Bout. Yet, they still also show how shaky my Faction remains, with yet another close result (even as a favorable one), the sixth one yet. There are only two more Bouts left in this Cycle, and that means two more chances to get our act together, if that hasn't already occurred. It would show that my Faction is in fact not shaky at all, but firm in our stead, even with a "full storage" as the other team might suggest.

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