Monday, May 14, 2018

Round Pikachu Keychain

Along with the typical memories that I got from yesterday's theme event, I got something else special. A merchandise stand sold a variety of keychains with just about every image related to Japanese series that people like, and one of the featured images is that of the face of Pikachu. Needless to say, I got one of these keychains to add to my collection and to discuss its finer points.

Now, the keychain is very cheap. The way that this keychain is produced probably allows for it, since no more than an image is required. Still, the printing is kind of nice, and the way that it's constructed, it looks like a medallion. I should point out that for this keychain - in fact, for all the keychains featured yesterday - that the same image of Pikachu appears on both sides, the one shown here and behind it. Depending on the production process, it may or may not be possible to put different images on both sides, though the former is my own personal expectation.

That said, I didn't see other Pokémon images being featured. Thus, the Pikachu image is the only featured Pokémon image. This presents the possibility of expansion in a later production. I'd love to see this keychain for the starters, since they're arguably among the most popular and well-known Pokémon, though others can also be included. In a similar vein, I'd like to see more than faces, so full-body images of the Pokémon would be neat to see. And since Pokémon is more than just the creatures, human characters could also be welcome. Anything might just be possible.

I like this keychain regardless. It's cute and appropriate, and crafted well enough. It's hard not to like it for those reasons. If anything, it also provides a connection to the event, or at least this particular edition of it. Should this ever reappear with more Pokémon images, it would become something I'd happily acquire for more than just memories, of which this one is a good one.

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