Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Detective Pikachu Burger King King Jr. Toys - Arcanine

As with some popular Pokémon feature films (movies), the latest Detective Pikachu movie has some other tie-ins associated with it, and this one has fast food toys. Some time ago, Burger King came out with a lineup of six toys based on some of the featured Pokémon in the movie, and I happen to have one of the toys. It is of the Fire-type Pokémon Arcanine, which doesn't figure itself significantly into the plot, but appears prominently in some scenes; this is to be figured out by watching the movie.

I got this toy by purchasing its respective meal (obviously) but under unique circumstances. The day I purchased the meal was also the day I watched the movie for the first time, which is the first part of the story of Sunday's post. As it so happened, the cinema where I watched is located in a mall which also conveniently houses a Burger King, so I went there for dinner as well, while waiting for the showtime for the movie. Although two of the six toys were displayed on the counter, suggesting that both were available, it turned out that only the Arcanine one was available, so that was the one I got.

Appearance-wise, the toy is great-looking. The fiery orange-and-black body is rather vivid and is a good compromise on how Arcanine appears in the movie as well as its typical rendition. The white hairs may appear to be a bit exaggerated, but they remain a characteristic part of the Pokémon, so it has to be welcomed regardless. The thing with this toy (and others in the series) is that it represents an artistic rendition of an originally cartoony object that was made realistic in the movie, so for some people, it may be hard to draw the line as to how it should look like. This one seems OK by all respects.

This toy is supposed to be interactive: the thing sticking out of its mouth is not its tongue, but is supposed to represent a blast of fire such as that which results from the Flamethrower attack. It's supposed to be able to be launched by a press of its tail, but for some reason, I've been unable to get it to work. The fire itself is in the form of a rod that neatly inserts into its mouth in a specific orientation. Personally, I'm not too worried that it doesn't function since I'm not likely going to make much use of it, but at the same time it's kind of a shame.

Of course, this is one of the six toys of the series, so I can't deliver full opinions based on just this one toy. Yet it is likely that I may not be able to get all six toys - unlike a different series in a different restaurant - based on other pressing concerns and the fact that I got this one fairly late. Looking at this one toy, though, I'm just impressed enough that I may want to try my hand at getting one more at the very least. It may then be considered representative.

One year ago: Round Pikachu Keychain
Two years ago: Cosplay: Isshoni Tanoshimimashou 12

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