Saturday, May 23, 2020

The State of Nominations, Part 4

This might be a strange post to make at this time, given my previous post on this topic was only about two months ago, and previous posts were within spans of four months. But there is a reason, and it's a good one: there has been significant progress with the nomination process that has affected almost all of my previous nominations. With that, I have to update how things go on that front as well as consider prospects of the nominations that I will make next. 

To date, I have made 65 nominations, which is only a minor increase from last time (58), but I'll detail why that is soon enough. Of those 65 nominations, 29 have been approved, 7 have been superseded, and 23 have been rejected. This is quite significant, because it means that the nomination process has majorly accelerated, taking care of most of my older nominations. Some of my newer nominations have even been approved within a mere few days of nominating them, instead of weeks as with older nominations; the record is now two days for a nomination I made last month. That also means my neighborhood and beyond have benefited from my approved nominations, and in fact, quite a few of the newly created PokéStops have also resulted in the creation of Gyms in their respective areas. That means more places and more possibilities to highlight and explore, for me and other Trainers. 

The reason for the minor increase is that a good number of my recent nominations have been for renominations, for something that hasn't been responded or has even been previously rejected. I count 7 of these renominations, all of which so far have resulted in approvals in some way. I stand to make further success with these renominations and will continue making them. Meanwhile, considering the 7 nominations that have been superseded, it means some people have good eyes for good places for PokéStops, and they likely (or in one case had, confirmed by someone in one of my groups) nominated them first before me. One nomination was in fact rejected, but it turned out it already existed as an Ingress portal and that efforts are being made to bring it to Pokémon Go; I consider it being superseded nonetheless, and this removes it from my rejection list. It's at least a good thing.

As for that list, the 23 rejections are still a lot, and some of them are for legitimate places that were rejected for odd reasons. One place, for example, accidentally contained a motorcycle with a visible license plate in the picture, as it was taken facing a road that is often busy, while another place had a clear picture that was claimed to be blurry. Of these 23 rejected nominations, I've identified half of them that can stand to be renominated rightfully and improve the areas that they are present in. A member of my raid group, who is an expert in nominations, has stated that it may take sincere efforts to make certain places be approved in the face of "wild" rejections; I would have to say that I agree, especially given my successes as stated above, and this becomes the drive to renominate them and to hope that they are approved to add to their areas.

There are some things that are still hanging. Not all of my nominations have been resolved; there are still 6 nominations from last year (2 from June, 3 from July, and 1 from December) that have not been responded to, and the hope is that they will be soon. The increase in possible nominations that I reported last time turned out to be an illusion, as it was deemed a bug and quickly resolved back to a maximum of 7. Meanwhile, an even more comprehensive (but not official, yet still based on official protocols) set of guidelines have been issued that should help both nominating and reviewing Trainers, but much depends on them following the guidelines - or maybe in some cases "bending" them" - to nominate places and then rate them accordingly for what is hopefully an approval to add to the places in Pokémon Go and beyond. They still shed light on prospective and non-prospective nominations.

Now that the nomination process has accelerated, it seems apt to make updates on this topic a little more frequently, and a two-month span such as between this and the previous post seems appropriate. The process remains significant in many ways for anyone concerned and demands to be continued as best as possible. That said, it seems a faster pace helps this very much, which bodes well for the prospect of nominations before and after they are made.

Three years ago: Becoming a Connoisseur

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