Friday, May 18, 2018


The word marathon, in a specific sense, means a race that is conducted over a very long distance. In a general sense, it means a continuous string of activities. Of course, anything that's on this blog is related to me and Pokémon, so for me, this post would refer to a Pokémon marathon. It would be something that I enjoy, though I have not had the chance to enjoy this recently. This is even considering the various forms it would take.

One kind of Pokémon marathon that immediately comes to my mind is an anime marathon, which obviously means viewing as many episodes of the Pokémon anime as possible. This would be neat, but no TV channels in my area have planned this to occur, so I'd have to gather the episodes myself, but even then, I'm not fully sure if I can get this to happen anytime soon. It would be rather fun to go through many episodes and digest the plots all at once. It is still a good idea regardless, and if the chance ever arises, then I think I should go ahead and take advantage of it.

Another kind of Pokémon marathon is a game marathon, and the most accessible Pokémon game for this right now is Go. In particular, the most accessible marathon for it is a raid marathon. A few of my fellow raid group members have participated in one of this when Latios first appeared in my area. This too is a neat idea, but there are a few things that hinder this from happening. I don't have a way to get from one raid to another quickly, though this can be aided by my fellow members; I don't have a large stock of Premium Raid Passes, having preferred to have just enough on hand and to save coins for things that matter more; and finally, the current time is a better time for resting rather than a marathon. I can foresee one happening for whichever is next after Latios, but that will still be some time from now.

These are by no means the only two Pokémon marathons that can be realized; these just happen to be the most logical and accessible ones at the moment, even if they're not quite so. They are still marathons in a true sense because they involve a lot of activity all in a row and all at once. I'm sure that soon I would get to do a Pokémon marathon of some sort, and when that happens, I would feel quite pleased - hopefully not too tired as well.

One year ago: Pins and Pins

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