Monday, May 18, 2020

Trivia Questions and Answers

It's been about a month and a half since I participated in a certain Pokémon quiz, despite having no intention in the first place to partake in it. And with that, even though I flopped real badly on it, the quiz still leaves an impression on me. It gets me to think that Pokémon can play into this area, the area of trivia questions and answers. It's an area that stands to be expanded as Pokémon itself continues to expand, which also means a lot of things for Pokémon trivia. 

I've already participated in a few trivia contests regarding Pokémon. One of them, as detailed in the previous post, is the one by my figure group; another one, despite that I didn't explicitly mention it, is the same trivia challenge where I met a certain major webcomic figure. In all cases, the topics covered by the trivia questions were quite diverse, even though sometimes specialized as with the ones by the main series group and figure group as above. The scale of the potential stands as being quite large. 

The next challenge that becomes a concern is the creation of trivia questions for certain bits of Pokémon knowledge, especially if they are to be in multiple-choice format as has been the case for some of the contests above. It may prove to be confusing and/or time-consuming to create certain questions, so a "question bank" may have to be considered, to ascertain correct answers and provide red herrings for multiple-choice purposes. That "question bank" would allow questions to be made easily and quickly. 

The next step after making the trivia questions would of course be to make the trivia contests. Contests such as the one above for independent purposes are fine, but once a great amount of trivia questions have been formed, it is plausible to create a trivia game implementation. This could be a unique game, or it could be a crossover with certain popular trivia game implementations. An official implementation, moreover, could be something to spur more independent implementations, which further entrenches the trivia possibilities for Pokémon. 

Pokémon is already so big (and needless to say, continues to expand), which makes it have a great potential for trivia, if my prior experiences are of any indication. Anything and everything related to Pokémon may be regarded as significant information, and the knowledge of them may be tested for and by any Pokémon fan. It has been said that "knowing is half of the battle", and with Pokémon in the mix, "knowing" may just be the battle, no matter what may be the interests of its fans.

One year ago: Trainer Image Cards
Two years ago: Marathons...?
Three years ago: Pins and Pins

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