Saturday, May 18, 2019

Trainer Image Cards

The great thing about art, especially Pokémon art, is that it can be made on or with a variety of media, whether big or small. The art that I detail in this post is of the latter case, which happen to be 7.5 x 4 cm in size. But for their size, these cards - being that there are three of them - have something great to say with their artistic content. And as the title of this post indicates, they have a little something to do with Pokémon Trainers, or at least a representation of them.

The Trainers represented in the cards are Red and Ash, the former being with his newer outfit, and the latter being with the classic outfit (in the middle card) and the Hoenn outfit (in the right card). Red isn't with any particular Pokémon, but Ash is with Pikachu, his most characteristic partner. Further, Red is also not wearing his cap, but it's fine; if anything, he still looks "handsome" without it. Actually, both Red and Ash, as drawn in these cards, are characteristic of an "alternate expression" of sorts.

Part of the reason for that lies in how Pikachu is carried by Ash wearing the third-generation outfit. It looks similar to how I carry Pikachu when I cosplay as Ash, at least my older handcrafted Pikachu doll and not the one I bought some time ago. And, well... actually, it is indeed me; the artist who illustrated the image intended to portray me as much as the intent was to portray Ash (or Red). The telltale sign for that is that the illustration contains my initials (B.P.) on the upper-left corner. The others are a little less evident, but the same could be considered to apply.

As well, the illustrator might seem familiar, to those who frequently read the posts of this blog. That's because the illustrator is actually the fan I wrote about in an earlier post, who can also produce other impressive fan art on a larger scale. It's something that I highly appreciate. Even the choice of materials was quite appreciable; these are actually made on label paper then thickened to resemble cards. Even so, it seems that I've not shown that appreciation to a full extent. The fan told me that these cards could conceivably be made into keychains, but I think they're too precious for that. I may have plans for these, but I'm still not sure about the "how". It might be worthwhile to pursue, so I'll have to keep it under consideration.

For me personally, any Pokémon art is impressive, but they may be especially more so, considering the circumstances. The circumstances for this one are that the cards are small and that the materials are rather minimal, but they manage to result in great-looking images. More than that, they also do personally involve me to some extent, so I'm flattered. Whatever the case, the Pokémon Trainer in me very much appreciates the Pokémon Trainers on these cards, even if they are only at a small scale.

One year ago: Marathons...?
Two years ago: Pins and Pins

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