Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Coffee in My Coffers?

At the beginning of this year, I made a "renewal" by making the leap into another kind of social media, Instagram. I try not to participate in too many social media, not because I'm antisocial, but because I may not manage them as well as I should - fact of proof, I've rarely posted in Instagram since I made my way onto it. But if I sense that it might be helpful for things in my life, including my efforts with Pokémon and this blog, then I will gladly partake in one. Such is the case for one that I've taken part in: Ko-fi.

I found out about Ko-fi from browsing a certain site that offers tools for games, for which those games may not be too far removed from Pokémon (or at the least Pokémon can very well adapt to), and the tools themselves may find some use in my Pokémon efforts. I followed the link to Ko-fi contained on the sidebar of the site and saw what it can do, and after quite a bit of consideration, I subsequently signed up. Much of it is indeed social media-like as I found out afterwards, but I also signed up for a far more important reason.

That reason is because Ko-fi allows people to support creators (its users) like me by buying them a "coffee" - thus, its namesake - that can then be used to support their works one way or another. This is a big thing that unfortunately hasn't happened since I opened the doors to donations over two years ago, at least in financial form, though "donations" may be considered to have occurred in different ways. Thus, I signed up to open another outlet for support, and now a Ko-fi support button is present on the sidebar of this blog for that reason.

This blog will continue to be my primary proving ground, of course, as it does what I need to do for that. What I can do, however, is to exhibit some really good posts from here over there to show I've got a good thing going. That also applies for all other things I do with Pokémon, including cosplay and playing the games. Many of the creators on Ko-fi also have similar interests, while I have them all within myself. That becomes a further reason why I took the plunge into Ko-fi. It is another place to show all the things I can do, and then be rewarded for them.

I consider that as the most important point of this new effort. There will certainly be further social interactions within Ko-fi, but there's the hope that some of those interactions will be able to generate financial support that may help to take things to another level, literally. It's something I'll have to manage along with all my other social media, but with this blog and all of the other Pokémon things I'd like to show, that should give me everything I need... and hopefully some "coffee" in my coffers.

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