Friday, June 9, 2023

The Eevee Festival in Pokémon Unite

I've made a few posts lately on matters related to Pokémon Go, so now I'd like to make a post on a matter that is not as such - and how about something that's festive in Pokémon Unite. More specifically, it's the celebration of "Eeveelutions" - the evolved forms of Eevee - in something called the Eevee Festival. It's a currently ongoing event that may be considered a lead-up to its anniversary next month, but that may be getting ahead in some ways. What matters right now is the prompt to celebrate some of the members of this species family in Pokémon Unite.

The event is primarily focused on the successive recent additions of two more of the evolved forms: Umbreon (as a Defender) just a while ago and Leafeon (as a Speedster) the other day. They come with their "entry celebrations" as with some others, but for the purpose of this event, there is a special selection of tasks to be completed, as seen in the Events section. The addition of Leafeon also adds another part to this event, which is a "daily walk" event that is completed by logging in and playing Ranked matches. As seen in the loading screen, all the evolved forms get matching Holowear - the Checkered Style - and that adds more festiveness to the event.

A special event like this is comparable to Pika Party from last year, meaning that it has to have a map of its own, and it does, called Eevee Appeal-o-Rama. It takes a base of Shivre City but decorated to look more Eevee-festive, and as such it is a 4-on-4 battle. Trainers are able to choose from the four and then five evolved forms available (with repetition allowed - a first in general) to battle the others; throughout the battle, they are also then able to complete special missions for their team for scoring advantages, execute Appeals to gain more points for scoring, and even battle Gigantamax Eevee - analogous to Pika Party - to show their supremacy. Overall, it's a unique and chaotic map.

Expansion in the future is surely a natural matter of consideration, given that only five out of the eight (existing) "Eeveelutions" are present in Unite. It is obvious that the remaining ones - Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon - may stand to make it in at some point, and if they do, they'll surely force a rerun of the event with much of the same features, or perhaps there will be unique ones, considering that they are the "original" evolved forms. By then, there ought to be a good number of forms that the repetition in the special map above may no longer be deemed necessary. Still, that's for the future to consider, and the celebration of the current forms is at hand.

Being multitudinous in nature, Eevee and its evolved forms always present a reason to make things festive, and this new event - with possibility of future expansion - does just that. It takes what is (was) currently available and integrates them with new additions, presenting them with a celebratory wrapper with a special event and a map to boot. I'd say that's still all the more reason to celebrate any time but even now (again, heeding that the game's actual anniversary will be at hand soon enough), and it's a boost to get things going in Unite again while other Pokémon things go on.

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