Monday, June 26, 2023

This Is My Pokémon Way

Over the past three days, it has become clear that I engaged in an activity that has nothing yet also everything to do with Pokémon, being that I attended a convention for three days straight with both cosplay and guest star agendas in tow. It does seemingly suggest that I may not have clear dealings with Pokémon. Yet for me, at least, my dealings with Pokémon are already pretty clear. In fact, they may be considered to constitute my "Pokémon way", in an idea that should be familiar to fans of pop culture, particularly Japanese pop culture.

The concept, of course, stems from a certain series related to Japanese "shady warriors" - that is, ninjas - where one character proudly proclaims that the way of that character is the "ninja way" of the character. I don't have to mention the series, but at least it has a bit of similarity to the Pokémon anime, at least in its early days, and it is well-liked by fans either way. While my life is not pertinent to ninjas, my life is pertinent to Pokémon, and thus I've adopted the concept to explain my Pokémon dealings.

In that sense, what I did above may be considered a non-traditional way with Pokémon. Dealing with it through creative expression, such as through art and (in my case) cosplay, is something that certain fan segments will certainly do, but perhaps not as extensively. In my case - and I'm sure the case of some others - the creative portion is extensive, more so than anything else, which makes it "non-traditional". And the way I implement that, with a majority of my efforts cosplaying Ash, is even more out of the ordinary, affirming the "non-traditional" quality of my Pokémon way.

Still, the non-traditional way might still have some traditional underpinnings. For me, that would be the anime, as that is what allowed me to get to know Ash and therefore be able to cosplay the character. That has further underpinnings in the main series games, which were mostly initially the entry point for anything Pokémon. Those who continue to play and enjoy these, even now with modern innovations like Pokémon Go, would be considered to have traditional ways. But as I've explained, mine is anything but.

After the three days of activities, I'm taking a well-deserved break... although not for long, since things will pick up again real soon, both traditionally and non-traditionally. But whatever happens, they are assured of being on the same way of Pokémon that I've followed and will continue to follow as much as I can. I suppose in that regard, I'm a "ninja" of my own following, which would be for Pokémon. That much should be appreciable, as are all the ways that they may choose to follow - including mine, as non-traditional as it may be.

One year ago: Cosplay: Outfest 2022

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