Sunday, July 16, 2023

Cosplay: Onokatsu Japanese Festival

Goh: Oh! I guess we know what were in for today.

Me: You betcha. So this is obviously a festival, and it's held by a local eatery, hence the name.

Ash: Do we get to eat?

Pikachu: Pi? ["Do we?"]

Me: Well, as always, that depends on the schedule and what I can allot for you.

Goh: Now this one shouldn't be too out of place.

Me: It's a Japanese eatery, so it works well.

Ash: I like the food anyhow!

Me: I think we all do. So, we ought to look nice for this one, as best as we can.

Ash: Hey, how about my special journey outfit?

Me: Sure! That should work for us. I think I need to send you again with it anyhow.

Goh: I got ahold of the schedule, and it says it runs from the afternoon to the evening.

Me: Oh, does it? Hmm, I already sent Ash a little early to help with some of my Pokémon errands.

Ash: That's OK! I got a lot done for you while they weren't completely ready.

Goh: But when they were, how was it?

Ash: Crowded! But it didn't start out that way. At first there was just a few people. Then it just got really full.

Goh: Oh. This always happens, doesn't it.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Always does."]

Ash: We were at the corner of two roads. Everyone almost spilled over to the bigger one.

Me: Small event, big crowd. Typical. Um, so today there was only one competition for you, the character parade. How did that go?

Ash: I did just fine!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Nice!"]

Ash: But I didn't win anything.

Goh: How many prizes for how many?

Ash: 10 out of 60 or so.

Goh: About one in six. A little hard.

Me: Oh well. At least it was free entry today.

Goh: Was it? Now it makes sense.

Me: I guess it just plain didn't work out. Maybe next time.

Goh: Also, was there entertainment? What did you get to see?

Ash: I got to see guitar friends of my friends. They play guitar in a neat way.

Goh: I'd love to have seen that!

Ash: There was a band and a couple of dance groups too. And a DJ.

Goh: Oh, that's standard.

Me: Yeah, that should be pretty nice. After all that, maybe we can describe today as a usual festival in unusual circumstances.

Ash: I got told that it was to celebrate the opening of the eatery. It's pretty new.

Goh: That explains why they held the festival. Pretty nice, though.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu! ["It's all right!"]

Me: Well, maybe after this I'll consider eating there myself. But thanks for a good day, though.

Ash: No prob.

Me: This festival at least had the spirits of good food and good merriment.

Three years ago: Starting from Somewhere
Four years ago: Pokémon Go Version 1?
Five years ago: Daily Tasks

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