Saturday, October 28, 2023

Moon Matters, Pokémon Matters

The moon in the sky is full tonight, as I saw it on this day while going back home from certain errands (which may or may not involve Pokémon, but that's a digression). It's an astronomical object with its share of wonderings, even in the world of Pokémon. Some of those wonderings, at least, seem to play very well across both worlds, and therefore I am inspired to discuss them, as "matters" of this distinctive astronomical object and their ties to Pokémon.

Strongly related to this object (and definitively evocative of it) are two Pokémon species, Lunatone and Lunala. The former is an iconic manifestation with its crescent-shaped body (a nod to the characteristic moon shape), while the latter is a spiritual representation with its massive body and in particular wings. As for their types, Lunatone maintains that iconic manifestation with its Psychic and Rock types, while Lunala does the same well for its spiritual representation with its Ghost and Psychic types. On the whole, these two species have fascinating relations and appearances that tie them to the astronomical object.

Over the course of history, people have associated certain images with the moon, from certain figures to specific forms. These seem to be rather translatable to Pokémon equivalents, or at least forms that resemble them. So, if one may talk about finding a Gardevoir, Lopunny, or even a Poliwhirl or Sudowoodo on the moon, then those might people might be justified according to the images that they see on the moon while it is staring back at them. At the least, they may be entertained by these images if nothing else.

It is certain that the moon has many names according to different cultures and languages, like "luna" in Latin, which obviously begets the names of the two strongly related Pokémon species as above. Poetically, it has another name in Latin: Cynthia, which is no doubt recognizable for many Pokémon fans as an attractive female Trainer. Now, "Cynthia(n)" means "of Cynthus", a mountain on the island of Delos in Greece, for which its demonym is "Delian", which is one step away from "Delia", which is also a synonym of Cynthia and recognizable as the name of Ash's mom. It seems like a brilliant way that things work out by the name of the moon.

A full moon, it seems, may be considered to be quite expressive of a lot of different things, including those of Pokémon. Yet that seems to be no surprise, as the moon is an astronomical object that holds sway over different matters of life - both real and Pokémon. And in a state of fullness, those expressions might just be inspirational, whimsical, and/or attractive to the ones who view the moon, including those who deal with Pokémon like me.

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