Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Searching Again for My PvP Competitive "Fire"

It is now the case that the pioneer organizer for competitive PvP play in Pokémon Go, The Silph Road and Silph Arena, has gone defunct (though apparently, not yet "dark" for the latter - more on this later and separately). This situation might have caused - or in fact, did cause - some people to regroup to try to preserve their competitive spirit or "fire"; meanwhile, the situation might have stifled that of others. I've observed myself since that point and in comparison to others, and it seems I am presently in the latter camp, searching for my PvP competitive "fire" all over again.

Recalling the discussion of successors as above, I have not "jumped ship" to any of the ones I had listed earlier, even though they have their own initiatives. It feels like I'm still weighing my options just like when I started with Pokémon Go PvP in the first place. While a few of my other PvP "fellows" seem to have made their choice, that is seemingly something I'm not (yet) able to discern. At some point, though, I may have to discern something and make my choice, and at that point, that might tell me that I've found my "fire" again.

Meanwhile, I also have not observed my ex-Silph Arena Faction, or what's left of it at least, make directed moves either toward one initiative or another, suggesting that the situation is much like that of my personal situation. I say "what's left" because some of the members have left and/or found something to do elsewhere, which means that they effectively have made their choice of initiatives, unlike myself and the others. It seems that they and I are still undertaking that search, with no clear idea of what it might result in later on.

As for going through Go Battle League, I seem to be rather on the fence at the moment, if that isn't something I've felt for quite some time even during my Factions tenure. I did take part in Go Battle Weekend last week in order to push and bolster my rank as far as I possibly could, but now I'm in a rut, suffering from a losing streak, and haven't bothered to touch it since. This too seems to be just another instance of searching, although the search is likely to wrap up as the current Go Battle League season wraps up, which will be at the end of next month.

The indication from the above is that my competitive "fire" is still there, but it's been reduced to a sputtering flame. Perhaps, then, the search isn't for the "fire" itself but something that acts as the "fuel" that feeds the "fire"... and that's just something that is seemingly absent right now after the demise of Silph as above. It is regardless a search I'm dealing with amongst other things at the moment, with the hope of restoring the "fire" to a bright burn.

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