Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Happy Bonus in Café Remix

There's a feature or aspect in Pokémon Café Remix that I've mentioned every so often but I've yet to explain. That would be the Happy Bonus, which by its name is indeed a "bonus" of sorts and a very beneficial one at that. As helpful as it is, it does come with quirks of its own, including those related to the way of obtaining the bonus and its persistence. Because of this, an explanation of it is somewhat demanded in order to assist others to make use of it.

First comes the matter of its appearance. Happy Bonus is something that appears fortuitously - in other words, by chance, and rather rarely at that. After completing a main order, past order, or individual Pokémon training order, the Happy Bonus might become activated. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the bonus is not activated if One-Minute Cooking was played; this may be good news for those seeking to avoid it or a helpful cue for those who do want to encounter it. For the latter, that is where and how things become useful.

Above all else, the Happy Bonus has these benefits: it provides two extra hearts for the motivation level of Pokémon guests to join the staff as well as extra points in individual Pokémon training. Therefore, once the Happy Bonus is activated, focus needs to be shifted to making Pokémon join the staff, if there are still any - including Shiny Pokémon, which seem to have not been around recently - or to train Pokémon. And all that has to happen within a span of 15 minutes, because that is precisely how long the Happy Bonus lasts.

Since I play a lot of One-Minute Cooking recently, most of my Happy Bonus efforts have been directed to raising Pokémon for that purpose, if somehow activated. But in the past, I've also used it to recruit Shiny Pokémon as above, especially with the use of a Heaping Helping Ticket and repeat orders to just get it done quickly. These are regardless the best usage scenarios for the Happy Bonus, so any player is free to do the same when it is active. Extra Stamina may be needed for Happy Bonus purposes, but any player should be able to provide that with resources at one's disposal.

While Happy Bonus is short for its intended purposes and may be rather infrequent due to its chance-based appearance, there are still some uses for it for both new and old players alike. But once it appears, it should be taken advantage of if possible to tie up loose ends or improve situations. Like "happy hours" at certain establishments, the Happy Bonus might be only rather opportune, but when it does happen in Café Remix, it ought to be lively all the same.

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