Friday, October 27, 2023

The Future of My Pokémon Cosplay Costumes

It's quite evident that by now I've been involved with (Pokémon) cosplay for a very long time - I'll get to this in a few months or so. I'm often thinking about what I want to do in the future in this regard, but then I'm also thinking about the costumes that I have in this regard. I've often avoided discussing this topic because it's kind of "touchy", even though someone has to know sooner or later, and now I feel that through this blog, I have to make it known. It's an imperative I do have to take, particularly with certain circumstances.

For the foreseeable future, my costumes belong to me and only me. I deem myself to be fitting for cosplay for as long as possible, and that means having them on demand to suit any occasion, Pokémon or general pop culture otherwise. The details on this don't really need to be discussed further as they seem evident from what I do and the posts on this blog - or maybe, perhaps, they do, just like the idea for this post, but obviously separately. Regardless, the belonging aspect should be rather obvious.

But what about when I become no longer fit for some reason, for which there could be a time? In that case, I may then want to consider making them available for rent by more fit cosplayers (for a fee, of course - to get a little something in return). It's a "touchy" aspect since I feel that my costumes (particularly Ash's) are still the image of me even if I'm not the one wearing them, especially when I'm still present - more on the converse shortly. Still, it may be something to be considered at times even with the costumes that I have.

Then there's the most "touchy" aspect of what happens in my absence - "forever absence", that is. It's something that I feel has to be officiated by legal means, but it seems hard for me to access those means. So, I might as well say something definitive right here and now: I want them to find a good home or possessor, particularly for the purpose of exhibiting them (including but not limited to wearing them), by the necessary means. Regardless of how this is achieved, I want them to have lasting, remembered fame that even outlasts me - and mine.

After many, many years of (Pokémon) cosplay, I've built up quite a reputation for myself - and a bevy of costumes to support that reputation. That bevy of costumes is something I have to consider in a future still with me as well as one without me. Much of this is still "touchy" to me for the reasons I've disclosed above, but I feel that I still have to leave behind my reasoning somewhere - and why not here on this blog. It's a future that develops with me as part of my involvement with Pokémon and more specifically cosplay.

One year ago: Equivalent Spirits

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