Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Hot Springs with Pokémon

A really, really long time ago, I visited a hot spring; I cannot recall its location, nor am I able to recall the occasion for the visit, but it was surely before I became introduced to Pokémon, and that says something for when that visit took place. Now, I find myself recalling that visit and desiring to incorporate a little Pokémon influence into it. Fortunately, it is not hard to consider how that would be so, considering what Pokémon has regarding this matter.

The most notable location in this regard in the world of Pokémon is Lavaridge Town in the Hoenn region, which indeed has a hot spring that is reputable for all the benefits that a hot spring would provide. In this case, it has the traditional spot where one can take a dip, but it also has a spot for sandbathing - becoming partially buried in sand to let its heat take effect on the body by pressure. It's a fanciful image that is actually not too distant from reality.

In this case, the reality would be similar to a hot spring somewhere in the Land of the Rising Sun - that is, Japan. If I were to ever have a chance to visit, and perhaps for an extended time, I may just be able to make it to a similar hot spring and get the full experience, at least more or less. It might also be possible to couple this with something Pokémon and then allow to replicate some of the experience offered by Lavaridge Town.

For now, I have to contend with what is locally available, perhaps by even recalling wherever it is  the hot spring that I visited such a long time ago. It's a difficult thing but one that is not entirely impossible, as is finding ways to incorporate a Pokémon feel and to have that reflect the offerings of Lavaridge Town. Yet wherever that may be, at least I have the reassurance that Pokémon does go together with hot springs, or I can make it so.

Four years ago: One-Upping Ash
Five years ago: Dilemma of Colors

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