Friday, October 20, 2023

Tabletop RPG for Pokémon?

Nowadays, Pokémon games have spanned a good variety of genres, expanding from its original electronic adventure RPG roots. Yet one genre that might present a significant challenge for Pokémon expanding into it is tabletop RPG. It's obviously worlds away from its roots, and that seems to be the key reason. Also, it's apparent that it's not as simple as that, and in fact, things may be rather elaborate. It seems to make for a bit of a fascinating discussion, especially for its elements.

First up, it helps to delve into the genre, even as succinctly and briefly as possible. Tabletop RPGs involve characters that are designed - defined, even - by the players, which then enter play by action descriptions. Guided by a game master (GM for short), these actions then lead to certain results that then advance the game further. The result is a bit like interactive storytelling or even an "audio drama", which is another matter entirely. It's no wonder that many games in this genre are of the fantasy kind, though this is something Pokémon can have too. These factors also lead to their inherent elaborateness, although Pokémon is elaborate in its own ways as well.

Having said that, a lot of things about Pokémon are already predetermined and established by certain definitions (like types, base stats, skills and abilities, and so on and so forth). The interactions among them are also mechanically determined, often by some sort of calculation that is also established in method. Playing any Pokémon game, even something distantly related like Café Remix, shows how the rigidity is well-defined, even with whatever room to improvise through certain items like TMs or things to be held.

It seems that for a tabletop RPG with Pokémon, it must have a way of bypassing most of that rigidity and allow for greater improvisation, which ought to be believable as like people, no two Pokémon are exactly the same in capabilities. Some rigidity still has to be present as is the case with other tabletop RPGs, yet that rigidity has to be able to work in a more fluid manner in this case. Perhaps most importantly, it has to be simple enough for anyone as the appeal of Pokémon is universal, even for children, who could conceivably pick up the game and start playing it accordingly.

Even so, one tabletop RPG involving Pokémon in a way is known to exist. And... it's a parody of it and the Cthulhu Mythos, which has its own established tabletop RPG. Not surprisingly, the game is called Pokéthulhu, suggesting a fusion of both universes or at the least their elements. Its overall rating, though, as linked on the site, seems to be mediocre, which may be partially due to its humorous nature as a parody. An actual Pokémon tabletop RPG should do one better while still containing true Pokémon elements.

At present, it may seem that a Pokémon tabletop RPG is up in the air due to the many factors involved. But that's not to say that it can't happen, even if an exemplar of it is only something to be taken lightly of. If the expansion of Pokémon to other game genres beyond an electronic adventure RPG is of any suggestion, then something might just be able to break through and contribute for the franchise in this regard.

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