Sunday, October 29, 2023

Cosplay: Toys & Hobbies Week 2023

Me: Being that this is the last Sunday of the month, it's also the last possible event (in practicality) too.

Goh: But there have been events other than on a Saturday or Sunday - like the Comic Con thing.

Me: Absolutely, but they're rare. This one I'm sending Ash to, in fact, actually started on Friday, but of course, for practicality, I can only send Ash today.

Ash: You do what you do, and we'll do ours!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["For sure!"]

Me: Anyhow, this one could be described as half convention, half festival. It should also be similar to one I sent you to four years (actually closer to five years) ago.

Ash: I think I remember a little bit. But it's gotta be different now than it was then.

Me: The place, at least, you'll recognize.

Ash: Oh, it's the big mall out of town you always send me to for conventions and festivals.

Me: Yeah, so you shouldn't have a hard time getting to it.

Ash: No problem! So, you're sending me with my... with my, um... Hey!

Goh: What outfit did our friend send you with?

Ash: Goh, you'll love this! Should I tell everyone?

Me: Go ahead.

Ash: It's my Journeys or World outfit!!

Pikachu: Pika chu!! ["Very nice!!"]

Goh: Wooww!! I really wish I could be there.

Me: Well, you know, maybe one of my friends can make the effort to send you so you can be together with Ash.

Ash: I really hope so!

Me: So do I. This is, of course, the special thing that couldn't happen at Utsuru or Bunka no Tenkai. And now it's happening here for the first time ever.

Goh: Yeah! I love it! That's why you said it's really special back then.

Me: Indeed. For this occasion, though, that's not the only special thing. You're here to meet two of my friends whom you and I haven't seen in some time.

Ash: Oh! Our girl fan... and oh! Our friend from PFJ and ICC - he came all the way from where he was just to get together with us.

Goh: That's... wow. I guess he's repaying the favor of sending you from your friend.

Ash: I guess he did, huh?

Me: In this case, though, he also wanted to make sure we're all OK, so it has a noble purpose.

Goh: Well, that has to be extremely special.

Me: It has to be. You did get to meet them, right?

Ash: I did! It was his first time coming to us and our first time in person together.

Goh: I... I just don't know what to say. You all must have strong bonds for you to get together like that on a whim.

Ash: I guess we do - right, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["Should be right."]

Goh: So what did all of you end up doing there?

Ash: We enjoyed the festival convention - it was all over the mall, and the mall is pretty big!

Goh: It wasn't all in one place?

Ash: Nope - it was in three halls!

Goh: That's ambitious. But so must have been the competitions our friend put you through.

Me: Oh, yes. For that, I was going to register you early for that, but I hesitated a lot - especially given the payment side of things - and...

Ash: I got us in for the singing competition (here Anisong) and the character parade, without spending money.

Me: Oh, hmm. But this is a push-comes-to-shove kind of thing... Fine, "Mezase Pokémon Master" it is. I thought for sure they'd reject us for trying to register in person.

Goh: It seems you just never know what's going to happen, and it's great that you got in. So what happened?

Ash: I had a really fun time with the singing performance! I walked on and off the stage just like a few others did. For the parade, I only had five seconds, but I did what I could.

Goh: How were the results?

Ash: I didn't win either one. I wasn't one of the 10 picked in the parade or the three for the singing.

Goh: Yeah, that kinda sucks. Hey, but at least you and our friend finally has the "ultimate" outfit now.

Ash: Yeah! I really like what our friend decided for it. I can really wear it everywhere!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["How nice!"]

Goh: And now that you three met up in person, that must be a joy.

Ash: I'm so glad that it happened!

Me: I'm also relieved as well, because it means a lot for all of us.

Goh: Anything else we should know about?

Ash: There were lots of toys, but I didn't buy one for our friend. I saw a couple of dance groups and a band for the entertainment.

Goh: OK, so the usual fare.

Ash: And... our girl fan went into the dubbing competition and got second place! And she dubbed... me!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["That was nice!"]

Goh: Well, that's a bright spot for you all.

Ash: I guess. So with everything, I guess they were trying to do three things at the same time: a book fair, a toys fair, and a festival convention.

Goh: Everything for everyone, I guess.

Me: That's a good way to put it. Overall, it was a wonderful day and a wonderful day to wrap up things this month.

Ash: I really loved it!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Same here!"]

Goh: All I can say is... Wow, just wow.

Me: I'm sure we can keep that "wow" going wherever we go and whoever we meet.

Two years ago: Holowear Wonderings
Four years ago: Psyduck Is Missing
Five years ago: Expression of Care

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