Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Changing Post Topics on the Spot

Having blogged about Pokémon for nearly a full seven years at this point (and being about to encroach on the eighth), one can imagine that I've gone through just about any challenge imaginable. One of those challenges is when for one reason or another, I have to drop what I'm writing about and completely start over with a new topic. This may be due to the demands of certain happenings or occasions, especially if something unexpected were to happen that made the original topic no longer viable. Regardless, the fact of the matter is that the switch-up can happen (and has happened), and I feel the need to discuss that and what it means for my Pokémon blogging.

About a couple of years ago, this indeed happened when a certain festival event did not go right and I decided to shift gears to a "thematic discussion" instead. I eventually did cover the festival event over a week later with what I had mustered over that time. More recently, this actually happened on the previous Saturday because there was a certain problem with the topic and the title that it prompted (refer to those of previous years that day). The intended discussion eventually was posted on Monday - that is, yesterday, which is comparatively sooner than the previous instance. These are just two instances, and there are others that I can't recall at the moment.

The point is that it seems that this is "par for the course" for Pokémon blogging. Some things happen as they are expected to happen and may be covered in a timely manner. At other times, it may just be possible for things to happen suddenly and/or in a different manner than what was expected, so I may have to adapt to cover them somehow. And if this means changing post themes entirely as with the two instances above, then so be it. It may take a little creativity (and craftiness in some cases) in order to cover what I want to cover, but I need to be certain that they will be fine, even with the prospect of changing topics.

Luckily, this is helped by the fact that I can keep lots of drafts, another aspect to my Pokémon blogging that I've also covered at certain points in time. That means - theoretically - I can write entire drafts even ahead of time and just have them scheduled to be posted at different times, which is sometimes something to consider. But nowadays, however, Pokémon things can and do change from day to day, especially given games that frequently update like Pokémon Go and Pokémon Unite. So, the changing of topics is swayed by these circumstances as much as it does so by still other circumstances.

I have to consider a lot of things when I blog about Pokémon things, which also means deciding what to cover and when that has to happen. Sometimes it's an easy matter and I can just do that directly; other times, it may take something as gut-wrenching as changing post topics, on the spot or on the fly. To contend with that is essentially to contend with all the things that Pokémon has to offer, and then to decide when it is appropriate to discuss them, even as changes may be prompted in that process.

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