Monday, October 30, 2023

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 10/30/2023

There are only two days left in this month, and one of them has a certain predictable happening. That's for the other day that isn't today; meanwhile, because of the above, today has to be reserved for the regular happening of my monthly event rollups in Pokémon Go. In fact, both of these do combine, although that would have to be explained later in this post. It is regardless time to get the event rollup going, and there are a few notable ones this month, besides the predictable one.

While not strictly an event, at the beginning of this month, a special paid item called the Ticket of Treats was added for purchase. It serves to enhance some of the events this month by adding another Timed Research set to the events of concern, three of which will be detailed here. This deserves a mention at least in passing because of its relevance to the events, which are obviously the point of this rollup.

Kicking off this month's run of events from October 5 to 9 was a particularly mind-boggling and mystery solving one. That's because it was the Detective Pikachu Returns event, to commemorate the release of said game on the Nintendo Switch. During this event, many Pokémon featured in the game appeared in the wild, including the much sought-after Pikachu with a detective cap, which now comes with an animated intro and could also be encountered from photo bombs once a day, as well as through Timed Research. Joining the costume cavalcade was a Raichu with the same cap (obtained by evolution) and a Slowpoke with a cowboy hat (found in the wild). Field Research had encounters with three "grassy" but not necessarily Grass-type Pokémon, which became key to the Timed Research and the Collection Challenge. Complementing the event were a new avatar pose in the shop and double XP from PokéStop spins. At this time, it was all about the wit in catching.

October is a month of harvest in many places, so there was the Harvest Festival event from October 12 to 17. This event featured the debut of another Pokémon from Paldea, being Smoliv and its species family. Also of significance was the Pumpkaboo species family with all its sizes and Shiny forms, which could be encountered further by a Timed Research given by the Ticket of Treats, appeared more often from a Mossy Lure Module, and rewarded more Candy with each capture. Other Grass- and Bug-type Pokémon complemented their appearances in the wild and from Mossy Lure Modules, which were extended to two hours. Field Research had Burmy alongside the featured Pokémon, and two Collection Challenges featured those same Pokémon. The harvest might have been a bit suggestive, but it really was in full swing.

Getting a little ahead, an Incense Day event took place on October 21, with special focus on Skorupi, a Pokémon of the Bug and Poison types. These two types also became the focus of the event, for which selections of Pokémon with these types (naturally, when using an Incense) including the featured Pokémon appeared in alternating hours from 11 AM to 5 PM, from Bug to Poison and back. Field Research tasks complemented the capture effort, while one Incense for one coin was available in the shop. For those who like to use the Daily Adventure Incense, its length was doubled during event hours and allowed the capture of some specific Pokémon. The day may or may not have been a wonder for the featured Pokémon, but it might still have been nice to burn through some Incense for it on that day.

As for the main event, that would be the Halloween event, which remains a mainstay. As usual, it is mostly filled with Pokémon of the Ghost and Dark types in all places, and it came in two parts. Its first part ran from October 19 to 26 and had the new features of debuts by the Greavard species family from Paldea (obtainable by Timed Research and raids) as well as Shiny Phantump. During this time, 7 km Eggs had a special selection of three species, and another Timed Research was added for another encounter with Spiritomb, while the Ticket of Treats gave Phantump encounters. The complements to the event were increased Candy all around - double of the regular and more of the XL for hatching, plus more regular ones with better throws - as well as new fashion items and stickers. Most of these would carry over to the second part of the event, where darker things still lay in wait.

For that second part, it continued from October 26 and will last until tomorrow - the big day itself. This second part sees the return of many costumed Pokémon forms, plus two new ones by Pikachu and Gengar, all of which may reward more Candy or Candy XL when caught, along with more regular ones for better throws as above. Shiny Zorua also debuts, and it can be caught pure through a Timed Research, while the one from Ticket of Treats furnished some ghastly goodies. But the most notorious aspect of this part of the event is an added Team Go Rocket takeover, with Giovanni having Shadow Regigigas on hand, as well as the usual novelties: more new Shadow Pokémon, Mysterious Components from Field Research, changed TGR lineups of Shadow Pokémon, more frequent TGR balloon appearances, and the ability to remove Frustration by a Charged TM. Shadow Raids too changed in offerings, and for the weekend on October 28 and 29, Shadow Lugia was also present and could be Shiny. The darkness was indeed appropriate for this time of year.

Considering the above, October was (and is) a packed month in terms of Pokémon Go events and all the features contained therein. Particularly with the predictable happening, it is as regular as it is a little (or even a lot) darkly nuanced. More than that, they also seem "festive" in some ways specifically for this month. All that has to be notable for any Trainer in Pokémon Go to take part in.

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