Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Kecleon Role Wonders

I've realized that all of the posts I've made regarding a particular Pokémon species - Kecleon, as suggested by the title of this post - were made this year, and all as they pertain to its appearance in Pokémon Go. Yet it's a particularly unique species, still a rightful part of Pokémon as any other species. For that reason, I've decided to make a discussion out of that. Specifically, I want to consider all the roles that apply or have been made to apply to this particular Pokémon with its "appearance sensitivity".

As expected, the first of these roles is the one that pertains to battling. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much to say about this, as it's one of the lesser Normal types with stats that aren't particularly spectacular in most places where it is present. There's not much to write home either about its typically associated Ability in the main series games, which is Color Change, other than its novelty of changing types in response to opponent attacks. It's a wonder, but the Pokémon itself isn't much of one, at least in the realm of Pokémon battles.

While it's a liability of sorts in battle, its role of serving as an invisible (mostly) barrier is a bit of a significant one, and it is perhaps the most memorable even now. Though a tool is practically required for discovering it in the main series games, all it takes is a sharp eye and a deft hand to spot it on PokéStops - before knocking it off of them - in Pokémon Go. It's practically impossible to separate Kecleon from being identified as something behind certain invisible barriers, though its only body part that doesn't become invisible should tell the tale.

Perhaps its least recognized role is as a shopkeeper in some Mystery Dungeon games. It's friendly and unassuming in most cases, especially for just doing normal business with it. Yet one needs to trigger its dark side in order to recruit it, and all hell breaks loose in doing so - though if one can survive the ordeal, the reward is a recruitment obtained in the most spectacular of ways. Still, the shopkeeper role in those games might be the role that most prefer to keep it as, without going through the recruitment hellfire as above.

Kecleon itself remains a wonder for its capability of becoming nearly impossible, even if the partial visibility that it has then highlights its "appearance sensitivity". It also allows itself to fill some roles, odd though they may be, and that may leave some fans in continued wonder. Regardless, that should also maintain a sense of its uniqueness - wherever and whenever it appears - as its existence is maintained among the hundreds and hundreds of species of Pokémon out there.

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