Sunday, August 20, 2023

Cosplay: Utsuru 8

Ash: Hey, Utsuru is back!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Nice!"]

Goh: Looking at your posts, this convention must be an annual thing.

Me: You're so right about that, except in the two "gap years" where there were problems outside. And as you know, we can't miss this one.

Ash: So what do you have for me today?

Me: Well, I had something really special planned for you today, but... it didn't make it in time. If it did, I'm sure Goh would be very pleased.

Goh: Wait... I think I know what you're talking about!

Me: Uh-huh, I think you know very well. Anyway, because of that, you're back with your Kanto-Johto outfit, the new version I've had for you for a while now.

Ash: That's OK - we'll wait until you're ready!

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Absolutely."]

Me: Great, so you'll want to hang on for a bit. And you'll notice they did something different for this one.

Goh: I'm looking at the promos for them, and they went with a theme: sports.

Me: Yes, that's mostly because it's close to a certain local celebration, which does often have things that resemble sports.

Ash: I think Pokémon battling is a sport!

Me: So do I, but obviously they have different things in mind. That's why I send you - to promote us, what we like, and Pokémon.

Goh: That is deep. I'm with you all the way.

Me: Aside from that, though, I think most everything else should be pretty recognizable. You should have seen things that look familiar.

Ash: Yeah! A lot of communities and food stands. But I still liked them all.

Goh: I have the schedule, and I can tell some of them are bands plus dance and other groups you've seen, but a few of the others I couldn't tell what they are.

Ash: Oh, don't worry about that. They were all exactly that. There were also some competitions that weren't for me.

Goh: Oh! All right. Same old song and dance, or songs and dances - plural.

Ash: Yeah! You can say that again.

Goh: And... this character parade must be why you're here.

Me: Indeed. So what happened there?

Ash: I was one of the first characters to go up. But they didn't give me much time.

Goh: How much?

Ash: Less than 10 seconds. But the others had more time than that when they went up.

Me: Oh dear! I would cry foul on that myself. I guess we didn't get anything, then.

Ash: As you say.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["That's right."]

Ash: And three of the four judges are our friends.

Me: Oh. Well, then.

Goh: Maybe it really wasn't your day - so it was a good thing that the really special thing didn't happen.

Me: Goh, you absolutely have a point.

Ash: I didn't want you to feel bad, so after that, I went out and played a dance game that you used to play a lot.

Me: Hey, thanks! I'd heard of the new (old) machine around the place and I've always wanted to try it, but I haven't had a chance. But I guess, while you're there. Just be careful with the outfit.

Ash: No worries. I didn't play too hard.

Pikachu: Pi pika pi pika chu. ["I enjoyed watching you dance."]

Me: By the way, I have to say that the convention has always taken place in the same place for many years, and that's where Akazora Fest was also held. So obviously the place loves events and conventions.

Goh: It's a mall, right? They must love the traffic that they bring.

Me: That should be very true. And you must have met many of my friends.

Ash: I did! I even met one that you haven't talked to for a long time. He helped with the dance game too.

Me: This is the kind of thing that's valuable, even if we didn't get much from the competitions.

Goh: Oh yeah! How were they - the ones that didn't involve Ash?

Ash: They looked fun but too silly for me. They also had a "best community" contest, but that was just for popularity.

Me: At least they were entertaining.

Ash: I guess!

Goh: So, "Utsuru" must mean something to many people.

Me: It should. It's Japanese for "reflect" or more precisely "reflection"... which is essentially what we're doing now.

Ash: And it's been about ten years for it, since you sent me the first time.

Goh: That's a long time.

Pikachu: Pi pika? ["Isn't it?"]

Me: But that's very appropriate. It always does show the state of the communities in the area.

Ash: And you'll keep sending me here, right?

Me: For as long as there is time to reflect - like right now - that will hopefully always be the case.

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