Friday, August 18, 2023

My Current Woes with Café Remix

I've played Pokémon Café Remix for over a year now, and its "addictive qualities" have been affirmed many times over. Yet as much as I'm addicted, I also have a few current woes with the game. Last year, I had already brought up a possible "burnout" condition that I had with the game, and I've mostly gotten over that, but now my woes are slightly different from what led to that condition. They still deserve to be outlined in order to identify the lesser parts of my (and others') experience with the game.

One woe that is persistent from then is the condition of my team, particularly as the members participate in team events. There hasn't been one in a long time, but now that there is one, this condition seems to remain evident, and even a "solution" implemented by the de facto team leader does not seem to have an effect - although this may need to wait to be seen at the end of the event, which is not for a few more days. I also have not changed teams for concerns of abandonment or lagging behind, but if this current team event does have unfavorable results, then it may just be valid to let go of the concerns and just change teams.

The next woe may be related to either skill or technical issues, and that involves often missing the intended puzzle element to activate: for example, sometimes I grab a Pokémon instead of a megaphone or skill and vice versa. The reasoning for the skill issue is that I may sometimes lapse in thought and pick the wrong element as a result; meanwhile, the reasoning for the technical issue is that I play on a Switch Lite, which has a small screen and thus may be more prone to this mishap than say, a regular Switch or even playing on a phone. Whatever the case, it's still a woe that I have to address.

For the last woe, it may be something that others also have in common, much like the team woe above. Deliveries have changed since I first covered them, but now that I've gotten nearly all of the viable rewards from the feature, the non-viable rewards are seemingly out of reach due to their rarity, including the special rewards that are added in and rotated out every so often. It's a dismal situation that isn't likely to change... unless the delivery rewards change once again, which may be a bit too much to hope at this point even if the possibility might just still exist. This is truly a woeful situation.

All of the above woes currently have an effect on the addiction that I have for Café Remix, and though they won't completely remove it, they do have a removal effect to a certain extent. They're also not a lead-up to a "burnout", although they might conceivably lead to one in large amounts. At this point in time, that should become a consideration: to try to avoid pitfalls that tip everyone's enjoyment of the game to a "burnout" situation, for which my woes should have identified.

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