Wednesday, August 2, 2023

All My Best Pokémon Friends Are...

It is obvious that at this point I as a Pokémon fan have built up many relationships with other people, specifically other fans of Pokémon. They share my liking and appreciation of Pokémon in whatever ways we choose to follow. Yet there are also other threads that tie many of them together; they don't necessarily relate to Pokémon but can and do affirm their attachment to the franchise. It seems helpful to round them up and point them out.

One of those threads is being "media masters". They are all adept at using some form of media to promote their Pokémon appreciation, as I do with this blog. Yet others can use images, sounds, videos, or any of them in combination - even obscure ones like stickers on WhatsApp (at least as they tend to be). Whatever they use, they can and do get their points across, which is as amazing as they are fans of anything in the franchise.

As an extension of that, they are also socially aware and active. They may have a main social media platform where they are the most active, but that may not preclude activity in other platforms when necessary, as long as they possess a way to contact them on the platforms of concern. And it is there that Pokémon and the associated topics are brought up, shared, discussed, and related with others even beyond their closest circles.

Then, for lack of a better description, these friends of mine are also "in their element". They seem to be unfazed by whatever Pokémon development comes their way and how those developments are perceived by the rest of the fanbase. While certain dynamics are best left to only those in the know, they seem to take those dynamics in stride. It may be a lesson that bears repeating for some at times, including me.

Pokémon itself continues to develop, and so does its fanbase, either of which may be taken in unexpected directions. Yet some directions for the best of its fans remain expected, and that would include all of the above, as characterizations that interrelate some of my best Pokémon friends and fellow fans. As a fan traversing these relationships along with Pokémon itself, I consider both of these very nice to have even today.

Three years ago: Let There Be No Lies
Four years ago: Topic Balancing, Again
Six years ago: Pokémon Is Everything

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