Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pokémon Go Fest 2023 (Global), Day 2

Day 2 of the Global edition of Pokémon Go Fest sees (or saw) Trainers heading toward new experiences in old, familiar ways, and that way would be raids. This was the case in the past two years, and it is or was the case today. Actually, it is an extended version of what took place on the previous day, as raids were involved somewhat; on that day, Trainers with tickets received nine free raid passes, claimed and used one at a time, which could be used for the aforementioned Pikachu, Carbink, and/or cowboy hat Snorlax raids. But more likely, they could also be used for two important monstrosities that lead up to today's main focus.

A few days earlier, the two "box Legendaries" of the Hoenn region, Kyogre and Groudon, returned in their Primal forms for the first time since Go Tour: Hoenn and could be raided for Primal Energy (though not their "signature moves" as it was at that time), including in not one, but two Raid Hours on Wednesday and Thursday. The raids continued into the festivities of this year's Go Fest yesterday and briefly today. Now, it is known that the struggle between the two could only be quelled with a third "box Legendary", who has been known in recent times to have a Mega form, and that's where things stand today.

Rayquaza is that third Legendary Pokémon, and starting today for all, it could be raided for its Mega Energy and undergo Mega Evolution. It appears as a six-star Mega Legendary Raid, which for the purpose of this event appeared intermittently from 11 AM to 6 PM as 5-minute raid boss eggs followed by 30 minutes of raid time (the time between 10 and 11 AM had Primal Raids, the brief "catch-up" period). Like yesterday, Trainers with tickets got the same nine passes as yesterday, which were most likely to be used for Rayquaza than on anything else, and this effectively became the main feature of the day.

To assist (provide a sense of purpose) in these raid endeavors, two sets of Special Research became available: one for everyone, even those without tickets, and another for those who have tickets, which is accessed after completing the former - much like last year, only this time with Professor Willow in the flesh. Field Research, meanwhile, were mostly focused on those raids, giving out essentials like Rayquaza Candy (XL) as well as Potions and Revives, which might have been in short supply to deal with the raids, especially if there were only a few people to undertake them with - even with double damage bonus and unlimited remotes.

For those who became tired of raids or needed to catch up on yesterday's affairs, all Pokémon from the previous day returned without rotating habitats, including the ones featured through the use of an Incense. It has to be considered, however, that they may have been useful in order to get the first few pages of both Special Research sets going, and therefore Trainers might have needed to work on them as early as possible before or during their raid runs. After that, it's only a matter of finishing the other necessities for this Go Fest, including any necessary (Mega) evolution preparations.

I undertook as many raids as possible with my raid group today, although some of them weren't considered as successful due to technical issues that (eventually) affected them and difficulties in getting around to the Gyms in the first place. Regardless, I did obtain the Mega Energy and other necessities - to be discussed at a later time - for the Mega Evolution of Rayquaza. After that, it was just going through what was left of the Go Fest for my needs and what I can do while still active. Further, all of this wasn't in part my own doing... but that also has to be discussed later on.

Now, with the conclusion of this Global edition of Pokémon Go Fest, the true "Hidden Gems" of this season have come to light. The season's end, however, is not for a few more days, so there might be a few more of those to unearth before the season ends and to bring to light and explain when that time comes, including the other editions of Pokémon Go Fest - yes, there are (were) others - as usual. That isn't something that is as plainly hidden given past years in Pokémon Go, but what they bring to the table, including this one, still constitute some hidden manifestations that still deserve to come to a sparkling light.

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