Saturday, August 19, 2023

3DS eShop Winds Down - Pokémon Games Too

This comes in as extremely late, but as is true of any late things, addressing them is better than not. Users of the 3DS, including those for Pokémon purposes, will have noticed that as of the end of March this year (five months ago), online services on the console have diminished somewhat. That is in part due to the closure of its eShop, which had happened in actuality at that point. It marks a "winding down" of things on the console, including for Pokémon games. Even then, a few things still remain (on the up-and-up), and that's something necessary to be explained.

With the eShop closed, it becomes no longer possible to obtain games and tools from it, although those that had already been downloaded will continue to function, as does anything in physical (cartridge) form, expectedly. If they relied on the eShop for certain online functionalities, obviously those will cease to function - although the base game or tool won't. For example, Pokémon Shuffle is still perfectly playable as most of the game is offline; players just won't be able to check in for rewards, play Competitive Stages, or buy more Jewels - and of course, this only applies to those who still possess the game on the console.

One crux for those who are invested in the main series games is that they are now effectively in a "grace period" for transfers, as the Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter are still functional, the former even not needing a subscription. Still, even with such a "grace period", it is still important to make sure that everything that needs to be transferred has been transferred, since the "grace period" will eventually come to an end as well. Some of what I had said earlier this year still continues to apply for as long as both are still functional, which ought to be taken seriously for whatever situation that might apply.

At this point, then, the only function of the 3DS is to catch up on loose ends on whatever Pokémon games that are there and, if possible (and already prepared for such), to bring them forward, as with a Bank to Home transfer. All the current happenings for Pokémon lie with the games on the newer console, the Switch, and not much is left for the 3DS except to serve a "background role". If anything, the fact that the transfer linkages that I have mentioned continue to function actively is something to be appreciated and taken advantage of, for as long as they are as such.

It is evident that the "winding down" above is not a "going out" - at least not yet anyway - but that would be the eventuality for this and other cases. The eShop of the 3DS has wound down and along with it quite a bit of the online functionality for things on the console, which should also mark the winding down of Pokémon activities that occur with the games on it. It's something expected after all these years, but then maybe so does the leaving behind of certain functionality for the time being to link it to the future, until it all ceases and Pokémon has moved completely to that future. 

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