Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Quickies: "Toward the Light" with Pokémon

The idea of (going) "toward the light" is an interesting one. It suggests a movement toward something bright and/or beautiful, as well as toward better things. It's no wonder that the idea has been used in at least one setting to express such a movement, whether spirited or poignant. As for the setting that ties into this blog - the Pokémon setting - that can be considered to apply in some ways, perhaps even now more importantly. And that makes for a fine discussion, even a brief one.

In the movement "toward the light", the Pokémon of the types that are reasonably close to producing that light may be involved, as the Fire and Electric types, Now it can be seen where and how they are taking Trainers to that light, as their capabilities are close to allowing the to produce that light. Yet it may be that they'll have to make sure that they are heading in the right direction, where the brightest light wants them to go so that they can become bright by that light as well.

Now, it seems there is a "toward the light" moment involving Pokémon that is becoming apparent for me (and likely many others as well), and that may be an understatement in any case. It's a moment that could also be considered years in the making, and "toward the light" is just one of many possible descriptors for it - and for all I know, it may be the best one and the only one I can think of. It's also slightly blinding, at least at the moment of making this post, so more will have to come.

Going "toward the light" seems to be regardless perfectly applicable to Pokémon situations as well, especially as certain members of that body of species can make their own light and possibly lead others to that brightness and beautifulness. It seems to be always pertinent as well, given the hopes and dreams of many characters and species that are in it - perhaps more significantly at certain points like now. There will always be some light, and there will always be some movement to it, even with Pokémon.

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