Sunday, August 6, 2023

Cosplay: Idoltopia - Cosplayer Rising Star

Me: OK, so there's a few things to be explained about this one.

Goh: From the looks of it, this seems to be two festivals - I think - in one? 

Me: Yeah, that's the gist of it. The first is the "Idoltopia" part.

Ash: Idols - like dance groups! So I'm going to see a lot of them today.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu pika! ["I like their dancing!"]

Me: You bet.

Goh: Yeah, I've got the schedule, and that's what you'll see today. So the entertainment is taken care of.

Me: That leaves the "Rising Star" part. Remember a festival from way, way, way back?

Ash: Yeah!

Me: We called it a theme event way back when, but it's really a festival - in fact, it was called "Imouto Japan Festival". Goh wasn't around back then either, so now we get to discuss it.

Goh: It obviously has to deal with characters... Oh, I see here, there are two groups of stars, Rookie Star and Rising Star.

Ash: That's part of a competition, like last time, right?

Me: Indeed, that's what we (you) didn't cover. So, "Rookie Star" is for those who send in characters who are just starting out to gain popularity. "Rising Star" is for those who are even more popular.

Goh: I get it. So one of each will be chosen.

Me: That's the point. Now, with the way I am and how Ash is, I could stand to put him (and me) as a "Rookie Star". But the list of requirements is long, and we'd have needed to prepare it ahead of time.

Goh: How long?

Me: Let me put it this way: Ash would need to spend quality time with a photographer, and that means even more planning.

Ash: I'd love to be in it! You too, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["I support."]

Me: In any case, it would have to be next time they hold it, but we'll see what we can do. But right now, there should be a general character parade that you can participate in.

Goh: Oh, that's nice.

Ash: I got there and signed up!

Me: Great! You should have noticed that the place is quite familiar.

Ash: Oh, it's the creative center! So we did end up getting back here after the last time.

Me: Nice, huh? And you also have your Kalos outfit, something else familiar. So, what else did you see there?

Ash: I saw booths and stands for goodies - and the characters too! So I guess we'll have to deal with this too.

Me: We might very well have to.

Goh: How were the dance groups?

Ash: They're just great! We had fun just watching them.

Goh: Did you get to see the Rookie and Rising Stars?

Ash: I did! They had to perform too. But they also did different things - some acted and some sang.

Me: We can totally take advantage of this; maybe we can have both.

Goh: I'm still curious who won the Star awards.

Ash: A friend of us won Rookie Star! But I didn't know the one for Rising Star.

Me: That's incredible. That's surely an achievement.

Goh: And... what about the character parade?

Ash: 27 characters and I didn't win. A pirate, ninja teacher, and knight won - and they're all friends of us.

Me: That's interesting. Maybe we shouldn't feel too bad, especially if the prizes were that few.

Ash: Well, I still had fun meeting them.

Goh: If you didn't, then what's the point?

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["I agree."]

Me: On that note, we can say that today is a good day.

Ash: I'd say! I think we both got inspiration on how to make this work next time.

Me: Sure enough. By the way, I should mention that unlike way back when, this one is a local edition where I am, and not out of town. It's also the first time, so that means we don't have to compete all the way over there. So that's also why I have hopes.

Goh: You can do this! Whenever it happens next time.

Ash: I agree. Let's give it our best!

Pikachu: Pi pi pika! ["Let's do it!"]

Me: The next stars may be in front of our eyes.

Three years ago: The Look of Pikachu
Four years ago: There Is Always a Way
Six years ago: Cosplay: Tomodachi 2

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