Friday, August 25, 2023

My "Project Mew" (Or, Why I'm Not Cut Out for It)

Those who have followed the "world saga" or even "Journeys saga" of the Pokémon anime will certainly also have latched onto the secondary storyline of Goh pursuing his Project Mew dreams in order to achieve his own dream of catching Mew. It's a lofty goal, and Project Mew is as equally lofty in its ideals. With that in mind, I may be considered to have my own version of "Project Mew" that I'm happy to undertake - most of the time - yet perhaps I wouldn't "be cut out" (fit in) for an actual, real to the core version of Project Mew that has much of the same demands. Both of these are fascinating and need to be explained, which becomes the reason for this post.

As explained in scattered posts throughout this blog, I deal with languages - specifically translation - as a way to help others and help myself in return. For this purpose, I am a freelancer, in that I pursue opportunities from those who can peruse my services, do what I do as best as I can, and then get rewarded for it - much like the Chaser missions of Project Mew. In isolated cases, the efforts might be esoteric or even impromptu, also like those missions, but I still lend my expertise on them, at least within reason. They could also turn out less favorably from time to time, but that's part of the deal, and so is Project Mew. All told, the resemblance to the Pokémon version of Project Mew is uncanny, even if it's somewhat different - especially as it doesn't require me to travel for it.

Meanwhile, as far as a "realistic" Project Mew is concerned, down to its core tasks, that is something I'm less qualified for. Such an undertaking will certainly require a lot of travel, and while traveling is par for the course for a Pokémon Trainer and something I don't mind, extensively is another matter. The physical tasks might also be rather demanding in effort, have certain associated risks, and leave little room for failure - all of which adds to heavy burdens and pressures. Finally, if anything, it seems that I may be slightly be impaired in mind and health, so that would factor in as a difficulty for the above efforts and may not mesh well with those. Goh is certain to be qualified for it, however, while I remain qualified for the other version above - my version.

Project Mew is regardless an encapsulation of the most intense things that a Trainer may be expected to deal with, especially in its ultimate objective of progressing toward Mew, in line with the objectives of Goh himself. That said, what I deal with in my area (languages) can be intense as well, even if it only remotely resembles the things that Project Mew presents for capable Trainers. Goh is nonetheless capable for it, while I'm capable of my version, without either of us having to cross into each other's territories and needing to do more than we should. I'm sure Goh himself would agree with that, as well as anyone who has followed his journey and dealings into that Pokémon enterprise.

Three years ago: The Principle of Life
Four years ago: Expecting the Cards
Five years ago: PokéMusicians

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