Monday, August 28, 2023

Half-Century of the Initiator of Pokémon

Today marks a special milestone or anniversary, which in relation to a person's life would be commonly called a birthday. And of course, if it's on this blog, then it has a relation to Pokémon in some way. The title indicates that the topic of discussion ties into a certain initiator as well as a half century - that is, 50 years. As such, today is the 50th birthday of that initiator, and given Pokémon, that would be none other than Satoshi Tajiri, and they becomes something important for Pokémon as well.

Given his age, his birth date then becomes placed smack-dab in the mid-1970s, specifically in 1973. It was a time when the world was starting to change radically in economic power, which might be a contributor to his childhood fantasies in the years to come. To conceive such fantasies while the world was changing is something completely reasonable, especially for a child living around that time. And it becomes evident that the memories of those times remained alive as they become incorporated in what now makes up Pokémon.

Fast-forward to today, Pokémon is now a little over a quarter-century old, which means that it's still only about half as old as the initiator is (the precise point was actually a few years ago somewhere in the midst of the 24th and 25th anniversaries). Regardless, it means that Pokémon has filled half of his life by now, and that is a fascinating point, even when those childhood fantasies have "evolved" - so to speak - from their humble beginnings, and can be played in various ways beyond the initial conception.

The age of 50 years is now going past middle age and is well past the youthful time when Satoshi Tajiri conceived the first playable instance of Pokémon, along with the involvement in a couple of other projects that relate to the other "cash cow" of Nintendo that has been going on for far longer than Pokémon. It means that games have also filled much of that life of 50 years, and that may be something that anyone who delves into games specifically - or any other area in life - would aspire to undertake, as long as possible.

While I've chosen to commemorate the occasion now instead of in past years (as evident by the posts below), to commemorate it at a nice round number like 50 is still quite fitting. And it might be the only commemoration I'll ever make on this blog, but it's still truly a significant one, in particular for the concern of Pokémon. That will seemingly always be the case, given the name of Satoshi Tajiri as its initiator, becoming something that can never be dissociated from the franchise.

So, happy 50th birthday to the great initiator himself.

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