Tuesday, August 8, 2023

I'm Spellbound, Wanting Tomorrow

Now you're here,
I can see your light
This light that I must follow
You, you may take my life away,
So far away
Now I know I must leave your spell
I want tomorrow...
-- "I Want Tomorrow", Enya

If there's anything very particular that this blog suggests, it is that I am fascinated by Pokémon - then, now, and ever. In other words, I am "spellbound" by it throughout all those times. Such a feeling also happens to be captured by a song from an artist I occasionally mention on this blog, whose songs (and music) may be considered to take people on a spiritual journey. And this song does that, albeit (perhaps) slightly differently.

According to the various notes about the song and by the artist, this song captures that feeling of being fascinated or "spellbound" for a "tragic hero" figure of the past and the particular depiction of that figure. More generally, the song is also considered to capture impressions about the present day... and thus its "music video performance", which does seem to bring the two together, makes some sense. 

That leaves the thoughts about this song and Pokémon, which is then a reflection of me. When Pokémon is presented in front of me, I become "lost" - as in "immersed", rather than "not knowing where to go" - and I feel an urging to keep that immersion going while knowing that I have to move myself in and out of it with all other things that I have going on, including the stuff that supports that "immersion".

In fact, there is currently a matter that deals with that Pokémon "immersion", but I can't bring myself to deal with it late at the end of the day, and as the song above suggests, it will all have to wait for... tomorrow. It's as spellbound as me as it is for many Pokémon fans, though this has to be admitted to be to varying degrees for them and me according to that matter. Regardless, this should be clarified on its own terms then.

As a final note, the chorus of the song as quoted above contains the words "leave your spell". This might suggest a sense of "parting", but I have to stress again that in this case, it's more like "weaving in and out". "Parting" is a different subject that I loath to discuss, especially in light of my Pokémon interests; in a nutshell, I still can say that it's not what one thinks it might be, which could be things ranging from bad to worse.

The fascination (or the state of being "spellbound") with Pokémon that I have has been one that lasts almost as long as Pokémon itself. If this song has anything to say about it, then it is like a light that I follow, which takes my life to places. Yet I also know I have to wait for what tomorrow may bring regarding this fascination, and that may just be the representation of the spiritual journey that I have with Pokémon.

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