Saturday, August 5, 2023

Brandon's Back in My Town!!!

In a similar manner to five years ago, my reporting on this occasion has become somewhat delayed, so now I feel I just need to get it done. And as with that time back then, it involves one of the biggest names - if not the biggest name - in Pokémon Go fandom, the one and only Brandon Tan. The circumstances are similar as well: he went on another "Indonesia tour" to see how things have changed since then, especially after the world almost got "torn apart" by a certain happening. In effect, the longing from four years ago (that I have and others may too) had effectively been satiated.

Like the previous time, my locale - that is, town - was on the itinerary of his visit. He arrived on June 30th in the evening by a road trip from the previous locale due to other modes of travel being prohibitive. Being that I missed the moment of his welcoming from the previous visit, this time I made sure to be on the "welcoming committee", and I was, with a couple of my raid group fellows. We had a very pleasant and significant chat, though not very long, as Brandon needed a rest after traveling so far and the agenda for the next two days - and the only full ones in my locale at that - was packed before he left for the next one (and the rest of his tour) on the morning of July 3rd.

Unfortunately, so was mine. That weekend seemed to be one "where everything happened". In addition to Brandon Tan, a special occasion had taken place and became the reason for the travel woes as above; a Go Battle Weekend also took place the very same time; the same Mysterium where a certain innovative technology was unveiled also occurred; and then, I was also sending Ash to deal with a certain festival, something that also occurred five years ago, albeit for a lesser one. What's important is that I couldn't join Brandon during most of those two days, although I did make time for the evening of his last full day, when a "grand meetup" occurred, though without a PvP tournament as with five years ago. For that, though, I turn to a discussion with Ash and Goh.

Goh: Oh, so this is that special guy you met.

Ash: Yup! We met a long time ago and now we got to meet again, thanks to our friend here.

Me: Isn't that nice? Even if we are busy at times, somehow, we just have to make things work out.

Goh: What happened at the meetup?

Ash: A lot! He really praised our friend's Pokémon community for keeping it up and making it better - I know you had a hand in it.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["Very nice work!"]

Me: I sure did. That's why I keep looking out for places to nominate PokéStops.

Ash: He also said that your community and others are something that many people around the world can only dream to have, and the sponsors are amazing.

Me: Isn't it? It's such a blessing.

Ash: He was also surprised how the new Trainers are younger.

Goh: Hey, it seems never too early to start.

Me: I would agree.

Ash: Oh yeah! There were a couple of challenges too. I got into a Pokémon trading challenge to see how many Lucky Pokémon we could get - but my partner and I didn't get much, and the young Trainers won that one.

Me: Don't be surprised; even without a challenge, it doesn't happen often.

Ash: But you know what? I won a "guess the Pokémon cry" challenge! I got 4 out of 10, and the others got less than that. Brandon beat me on Chimchar, but I got some that the others had trouble with.

Goh: Wow! What was the prize?

Ash: A Zoroark mini figure! It looks really cool.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika! ["Looks very nice!"]

Ash: Before we left, we all took a group picture and raided a Shadow Articuno raid together, but it wasn't Shiny. He also told us a few raid secrets.

Me: Nice. Very useful information.

Ash: But... did you get the picture?

Me: See, that's the thing. I never got it - even the welcoming one - and the only pictures Brandon shared were the daytime meetups, which I didn't join in because I dealt with you and the festival.

Goh: That's too bad. I wanted to see them too.

Me: I'm sure you're not the only one. Anyhow, I have to thank you very much for this opportunity... and maybe we'll get to see Brandon again sometime - hopefully when we're not too busy.

Ash: So do I! I can't wait for that.

Goh: Neither can I. 

After having been absent on the local scene for a few years, it was refreshing to see Brandon back on touring that scene again this year - and stopping by my town once again. Wherever he goes, it's not that hard for him to draw an audience, and that is proven in my town as well. The only way to go from here, as he said, is to improve, and this ought to lead to something wondrous and related to Pokémon (Go) in the future. At that point, it is certain that another meeting and great time will follow.

One year ago: The Hisui Cup of GBL

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