Thursday, August 17, 2023

My Land, Never Gone

I won't forget my land as long as I thrive
I will remember it throughout my life
And even if I go far away
In my heart, my land is here to stay
The land I love, my land, so great
I do appreciate
-- "Tanah Airku (My Land)" (adaptive lyrical translation)

For those who belong to or are affiliated with a certain country - Indonesia - today is an inevitable day, the day of commemorating its independence. There is also another kind of inevitability at around this time, with songs like the above, which itself contains a sense of inevitability (more on this shortly). Then, there is one more thing that is inevitable: my framing of all of that with Pokémon in tow.

I have to say that I've been in a somber mood about making this post due to several recent happenings, both personally and impersonally, but I realize it's not going away even if I close my eyes and turn away, so I decided to take it on. And I finally settled on this song as a (relatively) neutral center point of discussion that still ties to all of the above, including Pokémon as a focal point.

So, the inevitability of this song is linked to its inherence: that no matter where one goes or what one does, the land of their birth remains with them. To put that into perspective, even if I have to do something radical that changes who I am now to fulfill my Pokémon interests, this fact remains true regardless of what happens. It is no wonder that the patriotic value of this song is so high, and it comes up during occasions such as this one; I would think that someone going into space would also be reminded of this song. It's just quite inevitable in that way.

As for keying this (further) into Pokémon, every Trainer has to have a place they start from - a hallmark that I've pointed out a long time ago - and while that may not be a "land", the song could still similarly apply, in that the place can never be forgotten or detached from the Trainer's identity. It may be that after a long period of traveling, there's no place like where the Trainer hails from, and while that may only be one reason, it might just be the most important reason of all. It's one that ought to allow a place in that place for the Trainer after what is likely the extended journey.

My somber mood goes on somewhat - it's not going to dissipate quickly at this point in time - but life goes on, this day goes on, and most importantly, Pokémon goes on. As such, there's no harm to take time out to appreciate what goes down (or has gone down) today with a song that I'm sure resonates in the hearts of many who are attached to it. It's the least of what I can do today.

Yet it's inevitable that things will and ought to become better again, and I know that will likely involve Pokémon somehow. It's something inherent, never gone - just as my land would suggest, however my condition would be.

With that, I draw a big sigh and wish Indonesians like me a Happy Independence Day.

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