Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Matter of Mega Evolution in Unite

Along with the welcoming of Mewtwo and letting it in through the already-open door for playable Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Unite, as noted, it also opens up another door: that of Mega Evolution in the game. That door has been closed for some time in the main series games - and may or may not be reopened any time soon - while it has been open in Pokémon Go for awhile at this point. And now, the prospect becomes totally new with Pokémon Unite, and there is a need to discern how this concept can be established there.

Thus far, only Mewtwo has the implementation of Mega Evolution, through separate Unite Licenses that allow it to evolve into its Mega X form (which active Trainers should have obtained) or its Mega Y form (which they should be able to obtain in the times ahead). This suggests a framework for future inclusions of Mega Evolution, in that it would have to be through particular Unite Licenses allowing for Mega Evolution; the case of Mewtwo sheds light for a possible case of Charizard - the only other Pokémon with branching Mega Evolution - which could conceivably have two more Unite Licenses for its Mega X and Mega Y forms. As for other Pokémon with Mega Evolution forms, they would have their own Unite Licenses for usage of those forms in battle.

Mega Evolution in any case has to be considered as presenting a wholly different ball game (ahem) compared to what is currently present in Unite, if the implementations in other games - most notably Pokémon Go - have something to say. Ground rules may then have to be established regarding their usage in teams as they do in the other games where Mega Evolution is present, especially regarding their restrictions (that arise by nature) as presented and implemented in those other games. And as with playable Legendary Pokémon, there might be a period of trial-and-error and adjustments to get their playability just right with all other existing Pokémon.

Still, any consideration of how Mega Evolution might be further realized in Pokémon Unite is purely speculative at this point and would likely have to wait for further developments - aside from that which has already occurred with Mewtwo. Yet it remains clear that the game may be shaping up for the inclusion and further implementation of Mega Evolution, and that is indeed a "Mega" matter to be discerned regardless.

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