Sunday, August 13, 2023

Pokémon Go Community Day, 8/13/2023

Of all the editions of Community Day thus far, this one might be the one that many people have expected (though it may or may not have a relation to the edition this time last year, which fell exactly one year ago - see below). It comes in rather stealthily and rather powerfully, which can be considered the hallmark of a select group of ancient warriors. More recently, the featured Pokémon and its species family also have gained a certain repute for a certain hero, and even that may be an understatement. 

So, without further ado, the featured Pokémon of this edition is Froakie, the Water-type starter Pokémon of the sixth generation. As it is a Water-type starter, this edition's special move is Hydro Cannon, which is obtained when it evolves past Frogadier into Greninja; this last Pokémon is obviously the one of special repute. Not as much of a repute (but still significant) is the main bonus of the month, tripled Stardust for captures, which should still satisfy the hungriest of Trainers even now, as does the entire species family.

As for the usual cavalcade of bonuses, there are the double Candy and increased Candy XL chance, extended Lure modules and Incense, increased Special Trades and discounted trades, photo bombs of the featured Pokémon, event Field Research tasks, and bonus Frogadier raids after the main appearance period. The additional paid Special Research set is also present and called "A Bubbly Disposition", taking Trainers for a journey with Professor Willow about the species family. Special stickers and web deals round out the bonuses.

Then there is the local meetup, which returned to the park - now free from last month's restrictions - to round up as many Trainers as possible. And it did: this edition saw a breakout attendance from many of them in the local area, some who perhaps may not have been able to attend the prior edition for certain reasons. Whatever those reasons may be, it is certain that the allure of this month's featured Pokémon, along with giveaway rewards, presented strong reasons to attend and take part.

I evolved four of the Froakie I had: the best one, a Shiny Lucky one obtained on the spot, and two others for possible uses in Great League and Ultra League. None of the Shiny ones I caught fit into any of the categories for the giveaways, including the most examples, for which indeed there were very few. Yet that seems to be just fine, since I already had all the prizes of the giveaways in some form or another. I was also pleased with what I got, especially the stock of resources, though it could have admittedly been better.

Whatever the case, it seems heroic spirits were all around today and were felt for the featured Pokémon and its species family. That's a lot to be felt, especially since this is (or happens to be) the weekend of the World Championships - but that should be true regardless with the featured Pokémon and all the related elements for it. The stealthy and powerful qualities go hand in hand, and the Trainers who deal with them can stand to gain a piece of that action today and as Pokémon Go continues to unfold.

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