Friday, December 1, 2023

The Season of Timeless Travels

For those who haven't picked up the hints in previous posts, the keywords for the next Pokémon Go season are "across" and "time", and that's what it's all about. The next season is aptly called (the Season of) Timeless Travels, by whichever style and convention one prefers to follow for doing so as I've mentioned previously. As with other seasons of two words since the whole run began a year ago - see below - there are certain implications to be had, given the importance of this portion of the year.

Certainly, there's a lead-up to the expected Pokémon Go Tour in February, and something is already confirmed for that. It will feature the Sinnoh region, which means that it's proceeding nonetheless and my "interlude" idea would be shoved to the back burner. For those whose Pokémon journeys started out in and with this region, it does represent a "timeless travel" of sorts that one is happy to undertake at any time and in any form, including the one that Pokémon Go presents.

Sinnoh, however, has recently been known for another kind of "timeless travel", being that it was formerly called the Hisui region, a place and time filled with wondrous Pokémon that one doesn't (usually) see in modern times. A good deal of Pokémon from here have made it into Pokémon Go, and if the name of this season is any indication, there will be even more of them on the way. In fact, that too has been confirmed, and within a couple of days, Trainers will need to battle for one of them.

All this, of course, will be interspersed with the festivities of the traditional holiday season, the northern hemisphere winter, and - at the tail end - the Pokémon anniversary itself. That means (or at the least, should mean) a lot of things in connection with Pokémon Go and Pokémon in general, and their fates ought to become clear over the course of this season. It's a "timeless travel" in the sense that everyone repeats this journey each and every year, and this season is seemingly a poignant reminder of that.

In one sense or another, there are then many "timeless travels" to be had with particular regions, specific happenings, and unique facets of Pokémon. Pokémon Go will still become the primary determinant of that for the most part since it is, after all, still its season, but any and all Pokémon dynamic combined with the usual dynamics that occur around this time of year can contribute in different ways. The "travel" or journey for the next three months is now at hand, and it itself could also prove to last beyond this time.

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