Saturday, December 2, 2023

Cosplay: G100 Spicy Carnival

Me: Heads up - this month, it might be the Saturdays that are busy for me and Ash. And it all starts with this one.

Goh: Oh, you mean festivals, conventions, and the like?

Me: Of course. Now, this one's a little like last week, but also a lot like one half of what I sent Ash to back in September.

Ash: It's a carnival! Or a festival? Or both?

Pikachu: Pika chu. Pika? ["Both. Your take?"]

Me: Properly, it's a carnival, but for us, it falls under the heading of "festival". And like the earlier one, it's near my place, and it's also sponsored (by a food company), so entry is free... right?

Ash: Right. I got held up by a social media thing, but I got over it. Maybe our friend can handle the rest?

Me: Certainly. I'm a bit up and down with that, but it's definitely not something of your concern.

Goh: I guess if it's like the previous one, then the layout was more or less the same too.

Ash: It was! Food on one side, communities on the other, and a big stage in the middle.

Goh: OK, that was totally expected. But that means expecting competitions too.

Me: Goh is on the dot. There's a character parade here, and I hear it's got quite a few prizes. For that, I've chosen to set up Ash with his Kanto/Johto outfit.

Ash: Our friend seems to know what to do.

Pikachu: Pi. Pi pika pika. ["Yup. It seems he has a plan."]

Goh: You know, I guess we can discuss the other things you saw - like entertainment.

Ash: I came a little late, so I didn't see what happened before that. But I did see dance groups and people playing a game... that I don't think our friend plays.

Me: Well, if that's what I think it is, then we've already got a Pokémon version of that, and that's what we deal with.

Ash: Yeah! I'd love to.

Me: If the opportunity presents itself, then definitely.

Goh: Dance groups are typical.

Ash: But so is a singer and a karaoke group!

Goh: Oh yes, that too.

Ash: And that's about all I saw.

Goh: I think it's about time we discussed that character parade. 

Ash: Well, I thought I did great! I even turned my cap and didn't forget to turn it back. It's been a long time since that happened!

Me: Isn't that nice? How many characters were there?

Ash: Everyone went up to 27.

Goh: That's a pretty nice number. And there should be some pretty nice prizes too.

Ash: There are! But I didn't get any of them. But, um... Shiny Charizard did, for "Best Nostalgic".

Me: Oh. Um... that was exactly the prize I hoped you'd be in contention for. Although I would have thought that one could win "Best Unique".

Goh: This does seem to raise questions. But what can we do?

Pikachu: Pika chu? ["What can we?"]

Me: Well, except for this in a way, it seems to have been a good, busy day no matter what.

Ash: Yeah, it's OK.

Goh: Dark-colored Charizard seems to still be a dark spot, huh.

Ash: Um...

Me: Anyway, this particular weekend is actually a busier one than usual, so save a bit of that energy for tomorrow.

Goh: This sounds like a familiar thing.

Ash: I think you're right, Goh. Is it?

Pikachu: Pi? ["Hmm?"]

Me: Maybe, maybe not. You ought to see for yourself.

Two years ago: A Lasting Graffiti
Three years ago: Let's Go (Above and) Beyond
Four years ago: Being a "Love Slave"
Six years ago: A Beautiful Symphony

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