Saturday, December 16, 2023

Cosplay: Bocchi Noizu Mini Event III

Goh: And here's the third busy Saturday.

Me: Yeah, you see that.

Ash: Oh, it's Bocchi Noizu again!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Yet again!"]

Me: And like before, you probably will know what you need to do. In fact, a lot of today should be familiar.

Ash: I'm judging and performing today!

Me: Yes, indeed, for the third time this year.

Goh: Well, Ash is becoming someone hot around your area.

Me: He always has been - thanks to me, of course. But anyway, today we deal with this song and dance again. I give you... your Kalos outfit.

Ash: OK, so I guess it's "XY&Z" again. And, uh... I want to try my hand again at the pop-rock song.

Me: That's fine. I was actually on short notice for everything, so we've got to make do with this one. And speaking of short notice... you have an additional Pokémon task to take care of for a couple of hours before the event. You did take care of it, right?

Ash: I did!

Goh: This ought to be good.

Me: It is, but it's better to discuss it all separately - and I've allocated tomorrow for that. Now, more familiarity should have been abound.

Ash: They held it in the same place as the first one - the mini gathering!

Goh: That's nice. It should have been lively over there.

Ash: Yeah! Many people did come.

Goh: So, how did you sing?

Ash: Um... It was OK. I couldn't hear the music too well like last time - and I flubbed the pop-rock song a bit, but I could make it up. "XY&Z" was mostly fine - but I ran out of steam a little bit at the end.

Pikachu: Pi... ["Aww..."]

Me: Well, improvisation can be helpful, but something has to be up with that sound system.

Ash: I think I know why: before I came up, I saw a notice that said the volume has to be lower, since it's an open mall.

Goh: That could explain a lot of things. 

Me: Oh yes, that would make sense why we always seem to have problems. I was going to prepare XY&Z a little differently for you, but then there's that "short notice" again.

Ash: I want to hear that next time!

Me: Let me see what I can do. Now, how about the character parade, the one you judged today?

Ash: There were 15 characters! And most of them were great. But I kind of felt a little "targeted" today.

Goh: How so?

Ash: A few of them came up close to me - maybe even too close. And one of their things almost hit me when it flew.

Goh: Oh my! You must have been pretty surprised.

Ash: I was.

Me: Welcome to the less pretty side of judging... and we just had to get it this time.

Ash: Well, after all that, with the other judge - a character friend of us - we chose three winners and three favorites, and the community chose two other good ones.

Goh: That's a lot of winners! They must be pleased.

Ash: I hope they are, because they were pretty much the best ones.

Pikachu: Pi pika, pika chu! ["Really, the best!"]

Goh: What was the rest of the event like?

Ash: The usual stuff: music, dancing, and games. 

Me: No surprise there. But what you got (me) for the judging should have been good.

Ash: Oh, I think you'll like it - I think it's great!

Me: I'll believe it. So I think we can say we just had a great day today - even if it wasn't too great.

Goh: Why not? With that Pokémon task and this event, you two must have had at least a good day.

Ash: Goh is on point. It could've been a little better, but yeah, it was really fine.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["Really just fine."]

Me: On that note, it was a fine time for a busy Saturday in more than one way. Good job today, and I think the one next week might (re)define that.

Ash, Goh: Ooh...

Me: Rest up and stay tuned (and sharp).

Two years ago: Salim Group and Pokémon
Four years ago: PvP: After One Year

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