Saturday, December 16, 2017

Balanced Systems Stimulate Civilization

According to a set of principles outlined in a certain adventure game, a world needs certain things to be able to support human life workings, or even as far as a civilization. This is neatly summarized in one of the principles, which becomes the title of this post. What it means is that these things need to be equalized so that they create a supporting environment where humanity can flourish. What does this mean for Pokémon? It can be construed that the same principles very much apply to the world, as it is where humans and creatures flourish.

One of the key principles of the set regards nature. This principle states that nature is what supports interdependence among living things. Of nature, the Pokémon world has it in spades; there are hundreds upon hundreds of Pokémon species, in addition to plant life and people. It's only natural that they have to cooperate for their interests, whether shared or otherwise - and they do, if the games and anime are any indication. Types like Grass and Ground are also emblematic of this principle. It's a wonderful thing for a great world, but it's not enough.

That's where another key principle of the set comes in: dynamic forces are the precursors of change. If things remained the same all the time, bad would not become good, and good would not become better. Things like weather and even the workings of individual Pokémon moves can work in different ways and change outcomes. Balances can shift, occasionally for the worse, but many times for the better. Correcting and adjusting them becomes the task. The types of Fighting and Flying can be taken to represent this key principle. This too is a good thing, but it takes something else to aid this.

Yet another key principle is that energy is what drives the workings of the future. Without energy, there wouldn't be something that makes the world tick and set into motion dynamics and life. Electricity and heat, and thus symbolically the Electric and Fire types, are included in this principle. This becomes the drive, something to be harnessed by people and Pokémon alike to shape their world. In concert with the other two principles, this prompts them to interact in a manner that allows these principles to be evened out, allowing them to flourish further.

These principles might not seem like they apply much elsewhere, but they really do. The reality is that any world can't do much with just any one of them - much energy to move nothing, dynamic chaos, and nature becoming dull, as consequences. What we've been able to achieve in the real world with our civilizations is exactly the equalization of these things to build our world. It's not such a stretch to extend these workings to the world of Pokémon, where it's not only the humans that flourish, but also the fantastic creatures in it.

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