Thursday, December 21, 2023

Reclaiming Lifelong Truths

"The truths we spend our lives learning are worth struggling to reclaim."
Toward the end of a certain game (not related to Pokémon), the above quote and/or statement is seen and heard. It has the implication that anything that a person considers to be true in any way - by experience, proof, and/or self-evidence - deserves to be taken back or even defended. There is a sense of universality that is communicated by this quote and/or statement, and as expected, some of that universality can carry over into Pokémon... at least in my perception, and I'd like to establish how that can be so.

While it is true that a lot of Pokémon nowadays has been geared towards children, it remains universal in its appeal. Therefore, any of its merchandise that rightfully (truly) belongs to a person belongs to that person, unless the person so chooses to bequeath to someone else. In this way, the person has every right to defend one's collection - thus, "reclaiming the truth" as above. This has significance for certain other fandoms as well, but the Pokémon context applies very well in this case, especially in relation to the above.

Recently (actually not at all recent), there has been a "new truth" to Pokémon that I've actually yet to address for certain reasons, which displaces an "old truth". The latter is something that long-in-the-tooth Pokémon fans may have accepted for that span of time, and it could be construed that there is at least some right to defend this "old truth" and carry it over in some way to the present, even if important changes have to be made in order to accommodate this process. I, for one, would support it, even if the "new truth" is just as believable and valid.

Even so, some Pokémon truths are hard to reclaim even if valid, like representing all generations in a game. This is mostly due to the technological burden it implicates; even Pokémon Go is starting to have a difficult time keeping things together in its present state, and it may lead to major goof-ups like one that just recently happened for a very icy Pokémon. The struggle for this truth may indeed have to take different forms or necessitate completely different means. Though not impossible, the task may indeed be monumental.

Considering the context of the quote and/or statement above, it may be construed as a "last resort" of sorts when faced with the divide between changing truths in life. This also seems to be demonstrated well by the various Pokémon phenomena above that demonstrate certain truths that could deserve to be reclaimed. The possibility and feasibility is another matter, of course, but it may still be well worth it to know that the truths exist, ready to reclaim for those who can make the valiant struggle.

Six years ago: Friend Faves

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