Monday, December 18, 2023

Pokémon Go Community Day Goodies: Extras and All

It's been another long time since I discussed the merchandise or goodies that could be obtained from Community Day meetups, particularly those in my local area. The selection since the last time I updated it still hasn't changed much, but there are or have been a couple of additional niceties that are important to mention, one of which was just obtained with this year's final edition. With that, it seems to be in good form to show off those goodies and explain about them.

Since they have been instituted in March, the postcards have continued in their distinct style, even up to this month. This should be indicative of their popularity among Trainers, and they will likely remain as such throughout forthcoming editions. It can be seen that unlike posters in the past, they aren't tied to the promotional art as seen on, say, news bulletins or the official blog, but that can only be a good thing that ascertains their uniqueness and contributes to the popularity as above. 

One thing that is new since the last time is the sticker on the left. From May of this year, a special commemorative sticker for the edition of a certain month is also given to attendees, and if they fulfill certain conditions, the sticker can also be iridescent. Unlike past Niantic or "Community Day" stickers, these also have a special function: to mark attendance for those editions as well, and ideally, they are to be stuck on the back of the postcards for that purpose, rather than being stuck elsewhere. 

Perhaps the most important merchandise is the lanyard on the right. This was indeed obtained from this month's edition, by presenting at least five postcards from previous editions, ideally with the above stickers on their backs. It's a very special one and appears to be locally tied; as expected, it is not to be resold - but then, I never resell any of the merchandise I obtain, to maintain good form. It has to remain purely a collectible, and that's exactly what it will remain as, in my possession.

The merchandise or goodies for Community Day meetups appear to be set with the way they are now. But even with sameness to be expected from this year's editions onward, they still remain a distinctly special part of them and thus will continue to be coveted by Trainers like me. On the off chance that something as unique as the lanyard from this month's edition comes up, that would only mean further affirmation for special times in any edition, now and furthermore.

Four years ago: A Cosplay Departure
Five years ago: Screenplay Writing
Six years ago: Good (Life)Times, Again

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