Sunday, December 3, 2023

Cosplay: FUNDOME 2023

Me: Well, remember a great day at a great convention last year?

Ash: Yeah! That was the best day ever!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Can't disagree!"]

Me: This is, apparently, the other half of what made it so.

Goh: Wait... You mean this was supposed to be a separate thing?

Me: So, the story is that FUNDOME last year was indeed supposed to be its own thing, and that would be the stage plays and whatnot. But then for some reason, it had to collaborate with CHoCoDays - maybe by compulsion, more likely by necessity - to realize what either couldn't do on their own. This year, obviously, they've gone their separate ways, and neither is tied to the other.

Ash: So we'll really have CHoCoDays this year!

Me: We will - but we'll discuss that when we get to it. Today it's about this one.

Goh: The place must be the same if they're trying to do the same things from last year, this year.

Me: Indeed it is, and like last year, those who want to watch the stage plays need to buy a different ticket for that. But everyone can go into the convention with any ticket.

Ash: And... I guess we're not watching the stage plays.

Pikachu: Pika? ["Guess not?"]

Me: Some of our friends are performing in them, but you know us with conventions and festivals - we can't sit still (too long), and we have other things to do.

Goh: One of them has to be a competition.

Me: Yes! No singing competition like that one time, but there is a character parade. I thought about your Hoenn outfit, since it's the one a lot of people know us by.

Ash: I like that one. 

Me: Now, the second one is another little catching errand - or maybe not so little, as you'll be raiding and catching Hisuian Samurott.

Goh: The final evolved form of Oshawott... from Hisui?

Me: Yeah. You two don't have much experience with this region - as a matter of fact, neither do I presently - but we still have to get this done. Yet it should be doable, even by ourselves. 

Ash: OK, I'm on it.

Me: Good. So now, how was the convention part?

Ash: It was exactly just like when they were with the other convention!

Goh: Well, I think they learned something when they did collaborate. They got the basics down.

Ash: Yeah! All the stands were great, and I didn't see any big problems.

Goh: Even during the character parade?

Ash: Yeah, that - but I was up first and maybe got a little confused. But that was just me.

Me: I guess we didn't get anything, then.

Ash: No, even with 10 prizes for 42 characters.

Me: Well, shoot. Next time it is.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["Get it down next time!"]

Me: OK, that settles our first agenda. What about the raid and catching?

Ash: I got 11, two with a friend from far away - and one was Shiny! The rest was around the convention.

Goh: There were Gyms around there?

Ash: Uh-huh. Two of them! Plus one more nearby. And the raids ran until 6.

Me: Oh, yes. I had received word that the raids were extended because some people couldn't get in to see them, and it looks like that was true.

Goh: The ones you got look amazing.

Ash: They're definitely different from regular Samurott.

Me: We don't fully know the best use for this, but it's better to have a few right now than not. Anyway, back to the convention - it looks like this one was a big success.

Ash: Our friends really did it too! I saw a brief clip from a friend.

Goh: That's excellent. If you could have seen them in full, would you have done that?

Ash: I guess... why not? But it's the only one we'd care for.

Me: If the "convention" part of it was less emphasized - though this is not how it would go - then we might have a big reason to see the stage plays. In any case, there are a lot of determinants too.

Ash: I guess it's the convention for us again.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["Like always."]

Me: Oh, who knows? Maybe if the stars align, we can be in the "stage play" portion in some way.

Goh: That could be hard, but if the people (and you) will it, you could see it happening.

Me: And the same can be said of this two-part convention, which only deserves great praise - including for us.

Three years ago: The Touch of Satoru Iwata
Four years ago: For Want of an EX Raid
Six years ago: Fallen Comrades

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