Friday, December 29, 2023

Going... Going... Gone

And then, there is the matter of "yearly themes" that guide perceptions, including of Pokémon matters. As stated, the theme for this year is one of getting ready and going, which has plenty of implications about being active in a lot of things, or even starting them out. Yet I also mentioned the possibility of surprises back then, and that has manifested in the form of things not only going as in "starting out", but also going as in "ending". And like an auctioneer's call to end an auction, those things seem "finalized" in their "going".

Fans of the TCG, particularly of the virtual version, will note the parting ("going") of the earlier platform of Trading Card Game Online (TCGO) for its newly developed successor, Trading Card Game Live (TCGL). The "go" to the next platform has to be welcomed as the TCG itself goes on, yet this "going" may not sit well with some who can't make the "go", at least not without the proper means. For this matter, fans may just have to sit tight and let TCG affairs run their course - another "going" - and then they themselves can decide where to go without dramatic surprises, while letting the cards determine things.

That may be less of the case with another kind of "going" or parting this year, that of Silph Arena and The Silph Road. It was a dramatic surprise that revealed even more (or was a consequence of other) dramatic surprises in the progression of Pokémon Go this year. The parting of a long-standing community bastion is a hard one to take, with its members now having to practically "pick up the pieces" and the game itself seemingly not the same quality as it was even though it continued to develop (thus, go). The community goes on and the game goes on, yet something is still "gone".

Then, there is another kind of parting or "going" that has, in fact, very much gone (down) - or in other words, occurred. Yet to me, it still hasn't gone as such, and that's part of why I have not covered it. Still, that will definitely change sometime soon, and I've opted (and planned) to cover it eventually not in just one post, but a series of them that would include a few direct and tangential topics that pertain to that happening. Since this is the end of the year, that series of posts would have to occur next year, as I cannot fit them into what's left of the year. It is undeniably a significant one in some ways.

For other aspects of Pokémon this year, they appeared to have gone according to plan but certainly not gone into thin air. The World Championships in the Pokémon homeland of Japan went with a blast, showing that all of its featured games are going swimmingly. Both editions of Pokémon Presents this year also delivered the primary goings-on for Pokémon this year, and they too went down as expected. While I'm only able to go through some of these but not yet others, it can be assured that anyone who goes down some (or even many) of these assuredly possesses dedication to Pokémon.

A year that was supposed to herald a lot of Pokémon things starting out and proceeding, especially after a few tumultuous past ones, also turned out to harbor a few things ending. It was the unexpected kind of "go" to the point of "gone" instead of "go" to the point of "begin". Yet where there are beginnings, there are endings too; it doesn't even take Pokémon to confirm such a situation. Still, with what happened this year, the reality of the two senses is valid, and it's something Pokémon fans received this year after the final bid is made.

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