Wednesday, December 13, 2023

My Personal Trainer Fashion Preferences

I've written in the past about elements of Pokémon Trainer fashion, and that's always a fascinating topic to be discussed. Yet something I've never really discussed is my preferences for them - as in, what I like or I would wear. Given that I'm a Pokémon Trainer across several different games and further portray a specific one at times through cosplay, it becomes something that's rather pertinent to me as a Pokémon fan. Based on that, I also have things that I like or choose to show off myself as a Trainer.

Recall that I have a distinct outfit set that I created for myself in Pokémon Go and have taken to replicate when portraying myself in my video series (which I'll get to again when I can), and that basically also represents what I mostly like to wear on a day-to-day basis. My preference is thus a T-shirt and shorts, which I like to wear at home and most times when going out. Though some circumstances will demand me to wear different things, T-shirt and shorts become my preference when nothing is demanded and I'm free to opt for anything to wear - and that automatically goes for my Trainer fashion as well.

As for accessories, like most Trainers, I'm not too big on them. Like Ash or Red, almost all I need or what I like most of the time are a cap and gloves, and even then I might forego the latter, while the former I'd occasionally remove to make things easier on myself. This also speaks of my preference for non-complexity, which is also why I prefer to cosplay characters with simpler outfits - again, like Ash and Red - unless the demand arises and/or I have the costume on hand. It also contributes to practicality, which is indeed another preference, given the things I mostly like to wear, even as a Trainer. 

Even though I'm only a Trainer in an imaginative capacity, what I choose to wear as one and what it reflects when I play roles actually do show off my real preferences, including fashion for other purposes. While Trainers do greatly vary in their fashion - as do people in general - I still have to opt for things that work for me, and what works for me is what I've described above. Regardless, it still does show off the closeness and pertinence of the topic to my life, which also applies to Pokémon and its other elements.

Two years ago: The Bugs of Unite
Five years ago: Trainer Battles Are Go!!!
Six years ago: Will You Be There?

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