Thursday, December 14, 2023

Sun Matters, Pokémon Matters

Having made a post on relating the moon and Pokémon, it seems right and balanced to complement that with a post that relates to the sun. Many would consider it as the "better half" to the moon, even though they're technically different astronomical objects. Still, like the moon, certain "wonderings" exist for the sun, and they can be similarly tied to Pokémon (and its world) and discussed to a certain extent.

Like with the moon, two Pokémon species bear strong relations to the sun, and they would be Solrock and Solgaleo. They too can be described in similar ways; they are respectively an iconic manifestation and a spiritual representation. Solrock is totally iconic with its totally sun-like shape complete with sun ray appendages, as I had noted earlier, and Solgaleo is totally spiritual with its lion-like form, a being with high energy like the object it exemplifies. They're also both part Psychic types, with the latter also having a Steel type and the former having a Rock type, complementing the ways they exemplify the sun.

The sun is a high-energy wonder, and it can bring some of that energy to other Pokémon like those of the Helioptile family and the Sunkern family. In fact, both of these species families practically harness that energy - the latter using it to grow and the former using it to charge. They in a way become the "true" warriors of the sun, taking advantage of it for their own objectives. It's a little unlike certain closer-to-realistic imagery of some people about the sun, but it still works in their ways.

As for that high energy wonder, the sun sometimes spits out some of that high energy - like now during the so-called "solar maximums" - toward the earth. When it arrives, the energy disperses and creates beautiful yet foretelling (of certain danger) light shows in the sky. That's when Rayquaza, a Legendary Pokémon of the sky, might be called on to watch over the skies and make sure the light show proceeds as normal. This is as certain as the sky being the domain of Rayquaza, and therefore the Pokémon has a little something to do with the sun, or at least some of its possible aftereffects on the planet.

Overall, like the moon, the sun is an astronomical object that is as highly symbolic as it is highly important, and that also goes for some of its relations with Pokémon. Those relations might seem a little more involved, but it's clear that the inspiration, whimsy, and attraction are present, much like for the moon. For people in general and fans of Pokémon (like me) in particular, that much seems rather appreciable.

Four years ago: Putting Things on Hold

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