Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Series 2 Figures

Along with the hanging merchandise that I got from Sunday's event, I scored a big one in terms of merchandise. I got a set of Pokémon figures for quite a deal, and they just happen to be officially licensed figures, which is indeed very nice. Most interestingly, the set is all about Pokémon creatures, so it's great to see them get some respect.

As can be discerned, the figures are from the Sinnoh saga, though not all of the Pokémon are from the generation that concerns the region. Pikachu is obviously a first-generation Pokémon, and Sudowoodo is a second-generation one; the only fourth-generation one is Carnivine. They're all excellently designed and decently sized, though, and that's impressive. They even include a set of "surprise stickers", though I wouldn't stick them on things, and I would just leave them as they are.

The package seems a bit disheveled, and that leads me to reason that these figures aren't new and are therefore used. Even so, the repackaging seems to have been done well, as it seems I can't attack the package to get at the figures inside - and I won't do so haphazardly, because the packaging is too nice. I may have to enlist a friend who knows about figures more than I do for assistance. From what I gather, the condition of the figures still seem pretty nice.

I must also say, I keep recalling that this exact figure set has floated around in a different event or convention, but I've forgotten which one. The point is that I'm somewhat sure that this is that exact same figure set. Now that it's in my possession, I'm only glad. I'm even more glad that things haven't changed much from when I remembered seeing the figure set, and I intend to keep it that way.

This set of figures still seems in good condition even if the packaging isn't quite in the same state, which greatly pleases me as a Pokémon fan. I'm already planning out how to display them - once they're out of the packaging, that is. I quite appreciate the figures regardless.

One year ago: Always 21 - Memories of 21

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