Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Fan Art... for Me!

I haven't brushed up (pardon the pun) on my Pokémon art skills recently, not even after I made a post on "artistic routine" some months ago. It's something I currently cannot focus to improve, which was true then and is still true at the moment. However, that does leave room for others to make remarkable works of Pokémon art, including someone who's a real fan of Ash/Satoshi... and of me, through my cosplay! The person happens to be the fan I mentioned some time ago. I'll discuss the fan aspect even further in some other post, but for now, I'd like to discuss the art aspect.

One of the more recent ones that the fan shared with me is a very colorful drawing of Ash with his Unova outfit tossing a Poké Ball. Of course, the real reason why this drawing was shared is because it is a "birthday gift" in some ways, which is highly evident due to the greeting up on top, and... because it has my name emblazoned on it, to the side! Ash's facial expression is rather neat and the pose looks really good; I should think about physically replicating this pose. The colorful background is what heightens the visual impact, despite being made on notebook paper (ignore the lines and the We Bare Bears image off to the side). It's a wonderful gift, and one of the more interesting ones in the past few years.

Backtracking a bit, one of the first works shared by the fan to me is a "humanoid version" of Eevee. It looks creative yet simplistic enough to be realized in cosplay, and one of my fellow female cosplayers could perhaps realize it - after all, there's a girl in the drawing. With the way that the drawing was made or its picture was taken, it does seem a bit reddish, though; a willing cosplayer could think about the light-brown color of actual Eevee and adjust all the parts color-wise. Further, this does remind me of a fellow cosplayer who did cosplay a humanoid version of Eevee, though it seems we never synchronized our plans. So, I do hope that maybe someone would be willing enough to do it now.

Moving forward, the most recent one that has been shared is another colorful drawing of Ash, this time with Pikachu, as well as a mixture of sparkles on the right side (with Ash and Pikachu) and a flurry of Pokémon things on the left, including a banner with the character names in English and Japanese. The visual impact is likewise similar, and the expression is also neat. The "To:" label on the upper-left corner also indicates that this is another birthday offering for me, but it could easily be for someone else as well. Knowing that the fan likes me a lot, just as much as Ash, the former appears to be quite true.

The keyword with all these drawings has to be "appreciation". I see quite a bit of appreciation for Ash and Pokémon, as well as quite a bit of appreciation for myself personally. This is quite remarkable considering the links that we have with one another. I too appreciate the effort that had been put into each one. My Pokémon drawing skills may not be up to snuff presently, but at least I can still admire and discuss the qualities of these ones. These are truly stellar pieces of fan art - in more ways than one!

One year ago: Costume and Cosplay Checklists
Two years ago: Pokémon World + Hero's Come Back = ...

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